Issue with nvdia card and dark places being too dark (nvdia geforce gtx 1050)

Apr 19, 2018
Hello guys, i recently bought a new video card which is the Zotac GTX Geforce Nvdia 1050, to change my old Sapphire ATI HD Series 7700 because of aging. I had some problems with the brightness initially because my monitor has a VGA port and i used a VGA to HDMI adapter, which ended up making my brightness too bright. I fixed the issue by buying another adapter this time VGA to DVI. Now the current problem I'm experiencing is that while gaming on places where there are shadows and no light, i see so dark that i can't see anything going on and in case of fps games, even the hands and weapon details. I'm trying to pinpoint the error in all of this, but I'm not that tech savvy so I'm asking for opinions online. I hope my post was clear enough to understand what I'm currently experiencing.

My specs are the following

Os : Windows 10 Professional
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 Quad Core Processor
Video Card : Zotac Geforce Gtx 1050 2 GB RAM
Motherboard: PC MATE B350
Monitor: LG FULL HD 22M38A

In case this is a wrong section feel free to move the post, let me know if this is clear enough. Thanks in advance
It seems that if the display of the RGB is set to maximum with an old monitor which doesn't support other ports, makes this issue. You just have to put the display of RGB to minimum to fix this problem.