[Issue] - Z370-A PRO - No Beep, No Video, No POST


Dec 4, 2017
Hello guys,

I've built a new PC yesterday (will post specs at the bottom). The motherboard has EZ Debug LED lights, first two (CPU, RAM) blinking one after another but doesn't get to the third one which is VGA. Is that meaning that MOBO can't recognize the ram and the CPU? I first made a mistake to not do the standoffs on the case.Then I removed MOBO and did the standoffs, no difference. So steps taken so far as follows:

-Cleared the CMOS (by removing the battery, there is no cap for reset for some reason)
-Tested my external Video card on a different MOBO and it worked
-Tested configuration w/o external card, only internal with VGA cable and Display port as well, same issue
-Tested Only one slot of RAM (didn't put on a certain slot, just random)
-Used PSU with more W than mine, no difference
-Only time that I heard Beep is when I take off both RAM sticks (meaning - speaker installed correctly)
-Pulled MOBO off the case on Non-Conductive material with only one RAM stick, PSU and CPU on

I've emailed Box.co.uk for RMA number for returning MOBO and also ordered a new one from them again (hoping we can agree on refund if board found faulty)

So before I open the new motherboard tomorrow I would like to make sure its not something else, otherwise I will end up with two opened motherboards (working ones) and problem not solved.

I've checked this guide - http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/261145-31-perform-steps-posting
post-boot-video-problems - apart from step 3 everything else being done correctly and no issues with.

Here are the specs:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i3-8100 3.6GHz Quad-Core Processor (£98.34 @ Aria PC)
Motherboard: MSI - Z370-A PRO ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (£91.99 @ Box Limited)
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2666 Memory (£92.40 @ Aria PC)
Storage: Seagate - BarraCuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£37.92 @ Aria PC)
Video Card: Zotac - GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 6GB AMP! Edition Video Card (£251.99 @ Novatech)
Case: Deepcool - TESSERACT BF ATX Mid Tower Case (£27.48 @ Ebuyer)
Power Supply: Corsair - CXM (2015) 450W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (£47.97 @ Box Limited)
Total: £648.09

Your answers are greatly appreciated, thanks for helping me out on this one guys!

this sounds like some of your CPU socket pins in your MOBO have been bent. this is my checklist btw if you wanna crosscheck it with your troubleshooting

1. GPU fan running = 2x6port PCIE cables attached properly from your PSU

2. BIOS set to AUTO/PCIE

3. check in your BIOS for PCIE/PEG configuration if it detects your GPU on its slot.
3a. if it says "x16" or "name of your GPU" then your MOBO sees it and your PCIE slot is working fine
3b. if it says "x0" or "empty" or anything along those lines, recheck the pins on the CPU mount. you might have bent one or more pins. use flashlight, magnifying lens (or your phones zoom camera) and a very thin tweezer or thick needle to realign the pins. goodluck! if that doesnt fix it or all the pins...

I actually swapped the sticks to different slots already, so this goes to the checked section, unfortunately don't have any RAM to test, so can we exclude the motherboard and what will be the way to diagnose CPU issues?
Unfortunately, the only way to tell if CPU is bad, is to test it in motherboard that is known to work. Since the RAM is compatible with motherboard, and there is small chance both sticks would be faulty (that's why testing separately), you are left with mobo/CPU problem. Since without spare components there is no way to tell which one needs replacement, common practice is to RMA both. However, if you have a comp shop nearby, it may be faster to take those two components for a test.

Thanks for your answers, much appreciated I should better start looking for a shop then.

Ok I started all over again, this time I’ve managed to get to video, however Dimm slot b2 seems to be dead, tried both sticks separately on b2 and machine wont boot, is there a settings in BIOS or it’s really dead?
this sounds like some of your CPU socket pins in your MOBO have been bent. this is my checklist btw if you wanna crosscheck it with your troubleshooting

1. GPU fan running = 2x6port PCIE cables attached properly from your PSU

2. BIOS set to AUTO/PCIE

3. check in your BIOS for PCIE/PEG configuration if it detects your GPU on its slot.
3a. if it says "x16" or "name of your GPU" then your MOBO sees it and your PCIE slot is working fine
3b. if it says "x0" or "empty" or anything along those lines, recheck the pins on the CPU mount. you might have bent one or more pins. use flashlight, magnifying lens (or your phones zoom camera) and a very thin tweezer or thick needle to realign the pins. goodluck! if that doesnt fix it or all the pins were okay in the first place, then im sorry you gotta buy a new motherboard. i believe most shops would charge you 75% of the price of the MOBO to try repair it for you.

4. dust on the connector pins/MOBO PCIE slot but highly unlikely since im assuming they are all brand-new. you gotta push that GPU into its PCIE slot with some force (not too much mind) and make sure none of the golden connectors are showing

5. See the "basic display adapter (?)" in your device manager (thats your NVIDIA card before windows update will have a chance to install the driver if youre connected to the internet)

Does it work with sticks in other slots? I have not seen a board with a BIOS options that allows to disable certain slots, so if the slot don't work, it is most likely dead. Often bent pins in CPU socket are cause of this.

I've solved the problem, It turned out that DIMMa B2 slot was dead. I've replaced the MOBO and it now works like a charm.