Question Issues Running Certain Games on TV Through HDMI


Mar 30, 2017
I've posted about this issue before but nobody could give me any solutions, I am at my wits end with it so I am posting again in the hope somebody new can help.

I'm using a laptop (ROG Strix G15) on my TV using a HDMI. 90% of the time everything is OK, but on a fair number of games I have this issue that occurs. I will start a game, and the TV screen either goes blank, or the game crashes with some sort of fatal error sometimes D3D related etc. If it just goes blank, I have unplugged the HDMI and low and behold it is working fine on the laptop. If it crashes, I have reloaded the game without the HDMI and it works fine on the laptop. Sometimes this issue will cause the laptop to restart or completely hang.

Some games I have a related (I think) issue where any resolution EXCEPT my laptops native resolution will crash the game, and others, anything higher than native crashes them....

If I set the laptop to duplicate display it tends to work fine as well, but I find it incredibly distracting having the second screen in my peripheral vision - This option also prevents me from accessing HDR so it really isn't a fix.

What is going on here and how can I fix it?
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Mar 30, 2017
To add to this, on games that crash when HDMI is in, if I use the config to set the resolution to my TV native res of 3840x2160 - they run fine. Try to put them to laptop native of 2560x1440 they crash immediately. The games that are crashing also don't seem to accept HDR correctly.

I stress again, most games work fine, even brand new ones, older ones etc. But a good few have this critical issue and it's really bad.

Seems like the pc is conflicting with the 2 native resolutions on some games (individual games interacting with Windows 11 differently?)

I've spent 14 straight hours posting across multiple forums, scouring Google, just can't find any solution.