Issues setting up TP Link booster to Linksys Wireless G router


Dec 26, 2015
Hi folks, I'm a newbie to posting and I apologize if I'm not specific enough. I currently have a Linksys Wireless G router, model WRT54G v5. It is not password protected. I have an apartment above the barn in the back of my property that does receive the signal from the router, but it's not very good. I purchased a TP-Link booster, model RE450 EAC. The fella I spoke with said it was compatible. Now, the router does not have a WPS button which the instructions specify must be pressed in order for the booster to connect to the router. I tried pressing the "easy set up" button on the router to get it to connect - nothing. I pressed the reset button on the back of the router and tried to connect the booster - still nothing. Are these two items just not compatible and in wasting my time?

Appreciate any and all help.

Thanks, Renee
You should never have unencrypted signals bad people will do things with it. Repeaters likely will not work with 802.11g routers, maybe unencrypted but that is still a bad idea. Even if you have 802.11n you should never use WPS, you need that feature disabled at all times. It can be cracked in minutes. If you have a repeater that can only be setup with WPS you need to get a different one.
You should never have unencrypted signals bad people will do things with it. Repeaters likely will not work with 802.11g routers, maybe unencrypted but that is still a bad idea. Even if you have 802.11n you should never use WPS, you need that feature disabled at all times. It can be cracked in minutes. If you have a repeater that can only be setup with WPS you need to get a different one.