Issues with AM4 cooler removal


Jan 9, 2017
Yesterday I decided, that I need to change TIM between my AMD Ryzen 7 1700 and AMD Wrath Spire cooler. First issue was, that I was unable to remove the cooler - it went out with the CPU. Then, after separating the processor from the cooler, I discovered, that the sides of CPU IHS look weird, like bare, unpolished metal and that on the top there are 4 marks, that match the copper plate on the cooler (I'd post some pictures, but, at least right now, I don't want to dismantle my system). But I decided to go on - I cleared both CPU and cooler with 75% isopropanol, applied Arctic Silver 5, screw both together and it all works now.

And so my questions are:
1. Are the "damaged sides" a problem/can they increase degradation over time?
2. What could've caused the round marks on top of the IHS?

Thanks in advance
No worries. Just some abrasion from the cooler's initial mounting. It's not hurting anything. Also, I know you mean about the cooler sticking to CPU and it pulls out of socket. Just did that myself a few days ago with my 1700. Generally, if you can it's recommended to carefully twist the cooler If possible to free it from the CPU to minimize chance of being pulled from socket.

The only way I'd be concerned over the IHS is if It's dented.
No worries. Just some abrasion from the cooler's initial mounting. It's not hurting anything. Also, I know you mean about the cooler sticking to CPU and it pulls out of socket. Just did that myself a few days ago with my 1700. Generally, if you can it's recommended to carefully twist the cooler If possible to free it from the CPU to minimize chance of being pulled from socket.

The only way I'd be concerned over the IHS is if It's dented.