A few months ago, my windows 10 dell Inspiron 15 7559 Laptop displayed a popup that the battery had been damaged and needed to be replaced. This had no large effect until a few weeks ago, when the battery could no longer hold a charge whatsoever. Here are some of the observations I have made. The laptop still functions while plugged in.
There has been several instances (before and after the failure) in which plugging in the AC power adapter into the laptop caused the adapter to lose power. Plugging the adapter into another outlet with it still plugged into the laptop will generally work. This effect was duplicated with my roommates AC adapter which I briefly borrowed to test.
Today I have purchased and installed a replacement battery and I am surprised to see that, once again, the charge is not keeping and the previous issue is still noticeable. Checking online it seems that the main issues for this problem either relate to a corruption of the motherboard or the BIOS installation.
Any advice on maintaining the life of the laptop will be appreciated.
A few months ago, my windows 10 dell Inspiron 15 7559 Laptop displayed a popup that the battery had been damaged and needed to be replaced. This had no large effect until a few weeks ago, when the battery could no longer hold a charge whatsoever. Here are some of the observations I have made. The laptop still functions while plugged in.
There has been several instances (before and after the failure) in which plugging in the AC power adapter into the laptop caused the adapter to lose power. Plugging the adapter into another outlet with it still plugged into the laptop will generally work. This effect was duplicated with my roommates AC adapter which I briefly borrowed to test.
Today I have purchased and installed a replacement battery and I am surprised to see that, once again, the charge is not keeping and the previous issue is still noticeable. Checking online it seems that the main issues for this problem either relate to a corruption of the motherboard or the BIOS installation.
Any advice on maintaining the life of the laptop will be appreciated.