Issues with Catalyst Control Center and my display


Dec 6, 2013
Hi Tom's Hardware,

Recently I was messing around with resolution settings in CCC, and my screen suddenly went black when I changed a setting. I rebooted and can get to the login screen, but after I type in my password, it flickers for about 3 seconds and then I get "no signal" from my display.


Windows 7
Radeon R9 270
An older 720p TV (I think this is the problem... resolution compatibility)

I hooked up my computer to a newer, larger, screen and it worked fine. I tried resetting the resolution in CCC to a lower one, but it still won't work with my 720p screen anymore.

I then used DDU (Display driver uninstaller) to remove all of my drivers and it will now display, but it's stuck at 640x480, and very overscaled so it's hard to do anything.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I doubt it. It most surely is the older TV that is the problem. The PC works fine on another newer TV, you said. And HDTV interfaces are sometimes problematic with modern PCs. You may have to invest in a real monitor.

So I ran CCleaner through the registry, and uninstalled my video drivers. I can now boot into normal mode (as opposed to only safe mode) but still stuck in a low resolution and overscaled. Once I reinstalled the drivers from the CD that came with my card, it gets "no signal" at startup again.
Unless your HDTV is a weird 720p resolution, it should be recognized. 720p usually falls into one of these resolutions: 1280x720, 1366x768 (1080p reduced), and 1176x664. But if the card is normal on the other HDTV, it appears that the first TV is the problem.

If you uninstall the driver with DDU?
1) Can you boot to windows?
2) If so, what resolutions does Win offer when you right-click on the desktop and choose Screen Resolution?

That's with the gfx driver uninstalled I presume since you used DDU.
How are you connected from card to TV?
What MB are you using?
I just scanned the TV's manual and didn't see anything that jumped out at me. Have you tried both HDMI imputs? My Samsung only works properly with one of mine.

I was hoping that your MB had integrated video so we could try that, but of course, it doesn't.

Yeah, that's what's so baffling. Do you remember what you changed? Although I can't think of anything that would permanently screw up the TV. Unless you tried to run the TV at a refresh rate it couldn't handle.

Does the TV perform normally if connected to cable or whatever you have for TV service?
I remember it was something to do with resolutions and refresh rates. Maybe I was trying to make a custom set? I honestly don't remember. And yes the TV works perfectly fine with any other devices... as does the PC with any other displays.
OK, I went into safe mode so that it would allow me to change the HDMI size (because it only allows it when its receiving 720x480 or 640x480, safe mode gives me 720x480) and I could cycle between "size 1" and "size 2" but there seemed to be no difference.
I'm also still confused as to why the resolution is stuck at 720x480 even when I don't have my card's drivers installed. Shouldn't the win7 default drivers allow me to go past that still?