Issues with hard drive


May 28, 2017
I'm in need of help. So the problem is my pcs primary storage drive (os and other essential programs are on an ssd) which housed my pictures, music, movies, and games has died but I cant for the life of me figure out how to get the data.

To begin my adventure, everything related to the drive(as an example steam) was really slow and eventually not loading. So i ran a test on the drive to see if it had issues, well 45 min of "starting" but not working I told it to cancel, another 45 min of "cancelling" I got impatient and restarted the computer (I know your not supposed to).

Heres where I am pulling hair. Upon restart the drive no longer shows in my folders, checked my device manager and it is now an unkown device. Went into storage management and the drive wants to initialize (which would/could overwrite all my data). I then restarted 3 times checking for a change in those areas but to no avail, plus the thumbnails for anything on the drive became a blank white square. Finally on the 4th restart it was like the data on the drive was temporarily tead because thumbnails on my desktop for anything on the drive reshowed up. Hopeful I could rip data I brought up my folder explore saw the drive and just like it started up again with not wanting to open the drive.

Once the computer refused to listen for like half an hour I shut it down, waited 5 minutes and started it back up. Once again the deive was not being seen except for in the storage management. Since there might be a way to rip data off the drive even after its been reinitialzed I told it just intitalze and make a new partion.

Which caused something ive never seen. It told me it couldnt because the specified file could not be located. Confused I restarted, brought up my bios menu and looked to see if the drive was there, and it was not. I also swap data and power cables with my ssd, used a sata to usb cable to try the drive in my wifes laptop, tried using a few programs like easeus. In the end nothing.

So now I have a harddrive with data that I cant access, bios wont recognize, windows wont intitalize, and programs have not been letting me access nor fix (like say the mbr).

Has anyone ran into this issue and had a way to dump the data out? Or am I just out of luck unless I want to spend 500 to 2500 to have it sent out to a professional?

To add some additional context, my operating system is windows 10, the hdd is a 1tb western digital, the drive itself is bearly 4 years old, and I ran a diagnostic on windows and my ssd which all came out saying they were in perfect shape.