Issues with new build pc (no display or usb power)

Not a Cow

Feb 17, 2017
Hi there,

(I've ran through toms' h/w guide with no success)

- i5 6500
GTX 750ti (Now unplugged)
550w psu
2x 4gb 1.5v ddr3

I've just finished upgrading my PC however I've got the following issues,

The PC Boots, but I have no usb power or display. I've gone through toms guide with little luck.

I did some reading and looking around, might be having compatibility issues with the 1.5v ram and the skylake?

The only other thing I could think of the motherboard's box states it supports 6th gen intel processors (but the skylake came out two months after the board's release, maybe the bios version isn't compatible).

Any help at this point is appreciated. 😀