Issues with R9 270x Crossfire

Mike Schollard

Feb 24, 2015
Crossfired R9 270x don't seem to be working properly.

CPU- AMD FX 8320 8 core @3.5Ghz

16GB Ballistix RAM. (Not sure of the clock speed).

850 Watt PSU

So, when I fire up my Crossfire my primary card generally is running around 80-100% in MSi Afterburner but the second card never jumps above 14%. I lag horrendously in BF4 with stutters and crashes. But when I run BF4 without crossfire enabled on only one card I can run the game on ultra settings around 30fps with the one card running around 97-100% capacity.

How can I get my second card to also do its fair share of work and run properly?

The two cards are not identical, one is a Diamond R9 270x, the other is a Sapphire R9 270x. (I read somewhere on the web that this shouldn't be an issue, but an IT guy at Microcenter said it could be the problem). Also I have an Intel i7 2700k just chilling that I could swap into my PC if the CPU is bottlenecking, but I'm skeptical that it is the CPU.

My Motherboard is Asus M5A97 R2.0. Any suggestions as to what my issue/solution might be?