I've issues with internet in my dorm. It was perfectly fine at the beginning of the semester, and I could stream and play games at the same time. Now I can barely play anything without 300 ping. Extreme levels of rubber banding is also an issue. The dorm is covered in wireless routers, and I've tried connecting to various ones to no avail. I understand it may be my schools bandwidth or routers, however I figured I'd ask here before I go to them. Doing hardly anything gives me insane network spikes on the resource monitor http://puu.sh/gYgde/5fa2d5d8b7.png . Essentially I'm wondering if this could perhaps be on my end, although I doubt it. Every once in awhile the internet is stable with a decent ping, but the times seem to be arbitrary. I just cant figure out why it has become so laggy as of recent. Any help or suggestions is appreciated.