It's going slow...


Apr 18, 2014
So I've upgraded my PC to W10(even before I was having slight skips), it's currently VIRUS FREE that's a guarantee, I get awful frame skips all the time though whether I be in a game or as I am currently typing up this paragraph. I have task manager open and the "Memory" is a solid 56% doesn't go down goes up and then back to 56% should I upgrade my ram from 8gb to 16? I thought about buying a new CPU but the usage on that is extremely low compared to memory.
Current PC specs
GPU: Nvidia Geforce GTX 960
CPU: Intel i7-3770 Quad-Core 8 Threads at 3.40 Ghz
OS: Windows 10 Home 64-Bit
I usually run two monitors a 22" and a 14" Second one (22" plugged in a by HDMI 14" VGA) but even on 1 monitor I still get them same performance as I would with two.I should add Windows crashes constantly and reboots, the computer doesn't refresh but it restarts "Windows Explorer". So my question to you guys is what should I do? Should I upgrade anything change anything I am currently on a budget $300-400, Thanks Guys.

(Sorry if it's sloppy or incoherent I don't usually make posts).


I'm not sure exactly, I downloaded an update and then ran the Exe off the official site.