It's TOO BIG and TOO HOT for my needs, please help me DOWN-grade... I'm going crazy.


Mar 2, 2015
Hey everyone!

Right now, I have an AMD R9 390X 8GB 1.5ghz video card.... and I absolutely HATE IT!!!

The real problem boils down to 2 things:

1.) My case is far too small to handle the heat this card puts out.
2.) It's VASTLY overpowered for what I need. ( I think )

All I want is to play games like Witcher 3, DOOM, Fallout 4 (etc) at either 1080p/60fps with MAX/Ultra/Nightmare graphics.
3D is a HUGE deal to me, which is why I am trying to stay with AMD. Everything I've read says they are the best, and I absolutely love what I see when doing it.

This card seems like it's more appropriate for someone with a massive rig and a VR and/or 4K setup. I don't have or want either of those for now. I just bought a 1080p 3D tv and I intend to stick with that for a LONG time.

The problem I run into is that all the card information is geared at people running 4K game resolutions and getting ready for the VR wave. So... no one is really talking about what cards do fantastic at 1080p/60fps.

I've gone through every option under the sun to make this card work, but it's just too big and too hot in too small of an unvented space. No amount of re-pasting, fan upgrading, or RMA-ing will fix the problem. (This case has a VERY specific use, so getting a bigger/better one is out of the question)

I need a new, lower grade card, but one that will let me

Please help... I'm losing my mind trying to find one.
Good luck sticking with ati on this one, their power draws have traditionally been a lot higher than nvidia and that is one of the main reasons I have switched allegiances.

AMD has very high TDP. in order to escape this you need to find a card with a lower TDP.
But you don't want to sacrifice performance... honestly it sounds like you'd be very happy with a GTX 970.
You know i thought about it further and...
If you didn't need the 390x's power, it wouldn't use it and would never get hot.
But you really DO use it. When you use the GPU to their fullest they do get hot, even Nvidia. The TDP might be lower, but the actual temperature being exhausted isn't going to be THAT much lower. your 390 probably tips 85C, a GTX 970 will tip 75C, compared to the temperature of the room, it is still very hot.

Why is the temperature a problem specifically? Is it because the case blows directly into a living space?
It doesn't seem like you're suffering from any thermal throttling issues or anything, just discomfort?
Realistically, you're asking a question for which nobody will be able to provide a satisfying answer for you. Your GPU gives off a lot of heat because it has to do a lot of work to play Witcher 3 or Doom or Fallout 4 at high settings. The 290x is going to run hotter than the comparable GPU from Nvidia, but there are limits - any GPU in 2016 that's doing a high-end 2016 workload is going to generate a lot of heat. Physics doesn't just go away because it's inconvenient.
Sorry guys, let me clarify.

This card:

Is too BIG.
It's length measures 9.57" and I have about 10.5" of space. The extra INCH is filled to the brim with cabling for the card.
In addition, it's TDP is 275w... 275!!!

This is causing the PC to hit 98c while watching NETFLIX because there's basically 0 airflow in the case.

I have an R7 260X that is far smaller, and temperatures are DRASTICALLY lower, but it doesn't allow me to game at Ultra 1080p 60fps

I know the card is fine because it works on other PC's, its the SIZE. I'm squeezing this puppy in a Mini ITX HTPC case.

I've seen some ITX size cards, but I don't know if any of them will be powerful enough.

That is the funniest thing I've read in a long time.


Can't imagine what you are reading ... from a price point perspective, the 980 was the 390x equivalent but the 970 was faster than the 390x while being $100 cheaper ... yes, the 390x was 2% faster outta the box, but the 970 OCd 17% and the 390x only 6%... that left the 970 with a distinct disadvantage. As for the reading again, you should be aware that the 970 all by itself, outsold all 30 of AMDs 2xx series cards and 3xx series cards combined by a factor of 2 to 1.


If you want to play at 60 fps and max settings at 1080p tan that's the AMD card you need


It gets 53.2 fps in Witcher 3 ... 56.4 OCd .... the 480 is a lil bit slower at 50.3

The 480 uses less power ... but the 1060 is even faster and again OCs better


1060 = 57.8 fps x 1.18 OC = 68 fps in Witcher 3 (121 watts)

390x = 53.2 fps x 1.06 OCd = 56.4 fps in Witcher 3 (344 watts)

RX 480 = 51.4 fps x 1.06 = 54.5 fps in Witcher 3 (163 watts)
I realize I'm taking my life in my hands by suggesting such a thing, but if the case interior temperature is the problem, might this be a scenario in which a 1060 Founder's Edition with its blower-style fan could be an appropriate choice?
1. The FE Edition throttles even at stock settings. They simply can't move enough heat out thru the tiny rear slot.

2. No blower style cooler has every tested faster or at lower temps than a standard design.

The 480 cuts it almost in half.... the 1060 almost to a third.

So, if I understand this correctly, an Nvidia "1060" is what I should be looking for?

I should probably state that I probably won't be overclocking anything. I don't know if that makes a difference for what you had mentioned.

In addition... Guys I think I'm communicating some stuff very poorly, which is my fault.

When I say "3D" is a huge deal to me and I've read that AMD is the best for it....
I don't mean "3D graphics", I mean "Stereoscopic 3D". Like where you wear the glasses at the movies.
I can't get enough of it.

It's my understanding Nvidia is traditionally seen as the better gaming graphics cards in general.
I've just read that AMD's HD-3D is higher quality than Nvidia 3D-vision.

I don't know if that matters with a third-party program like TriDef though.

That mini ITX 1070 sounds quite nice, I didn't see a price point on that page though. I'll have to check that out.

The reviews I read said this wasn't a problem for the 1060 FE due to it's low TDP. In this case a blower style 1060 even if it's a cheaper, non-founders edition card might make sense. It will blow the GPU's hot air directly out of the back of his case instead of circulating it inside. Normally I would agree with you and suggest an open air cooler but if he has no airflow in his case this might be the exception.

This is an excerpt from the Guru3D 1060 FE review. His English isn't the best but you get the point.,30.html

"As you guys know, the reference design (founder editions) of all GTX 1070/1080 are set at an offset threshold of 80 degrees C. Once the GPU gets warmer the card will clock down / lower its voltage etc to try and keep the card cooler, that's throttling and it part of the design. This is not the case with the GeForce GTX 1060. The low power draw already spilled the beans, amd means it's not running extremely hot and certainly not oozes out heat in massive amounts. Hence the cooler can deal with the GPU really well. The GPU simply does not reach the 80 Degrees C thermal marker, instead hovers at roughly 70 Degrees C. That not only makes it fairly cool running product, it means it's silent as well. You can barely hear the card while using it. Overall this is a very sound and solid cooling solution. The VRM area runs a bit hot though. We did not hear an coil whine."
I just read TriDef works just fine with Nvidia! Hooray!

The 1070 mini goes for about 570$ so that's out of the question haha
The 1060 however is about 260, and it looks like it has a Mini ITX version too!!

So, right now this seems like the front runner.

Also, I wanna mention that I don't care about noise. My PC could be a jet engine, so long as it WORKED lol.

Theorycrafters are saying that AMD's VR (3D) support will be superior, but I don't think we know yet in practice as it's not out yet, or very new. 3D Vision was and is superior to AMD's HD3D in support, but I'm not sure if that will matter when/if VR takes over.

AMD may have an advantage with DX12 and Vulkan. At least atm, it appears so, but that may also be because AMD has a 1-2 year head start on preparing for it in drivers, since they are based on Mantle, which AMD designed.

Right now, there is a lot of speculation, and no hard facts about the future, but with current DX11 and older titles, Nvidia is doing great. What's going to happen with the new lower level API's is still in question, and does look to be doing good on AMD atm, but don't discount the fact that Nvidia hasn't had as much time to prepare for those new API's.

My frustration about AMD in recent years has been focused around "will be" ... and then when analyzed it just haven't delivered. I haven't compared in a while but ... my son has these and they work great

Might wanna read this,3019-22.html

The reviews I read said this wasn't a problem for the 1060 FE due to it's low TDP. In this case a blower style 1060 even if it's a cheaper, non-founders edition card might make sense. It will blow the GPU's hot air directly out of the back of his case instead of circulating it inside.

As for the the applicability of the Guru3D test ... was it performed in a small case with known cooling issues ? No, it was an open air test, so I really don't see their test as applicable here:


As for the blower style .....that's what the marketing material says ... but the card really doesn't blow a lot of heat out thru the little slot grille. A significant portion is still radiated into the case. The other thing we have seen in our own testing in a small case is many have just a single exhaust fan.... now you have the PSU exhausting, GFX card exhausting and rear fan exhausting ... with an air filter in the front, air intake is restricted and what we have seen in our testing w/ a fog machine is that the exhaust air from the PSU and GFX card gets sucked right back into the case thru the rear case grille. This still occurs even with 1 or 2 intake fans but obviously to a lesser extent.

Here we see the FE is 78C .. it's 4C below the throttling point in their test box....however, in a small case like the OPs, I'd have to be concerned.... OTOH, the non-reference card is 9C lower....13C below the throttling point. I didn't see what the ambient temp was in the Guru3D test ... so when ambient rises in summer months ... will we stay within that 4C window ?

While a FE may do fine in a larger case, 3 seasons a year ... I can't see risking an FE in a small case in summer months w/o AC ... especially when the reference design is the same price

$249 non-reference

$249 reference

My main problem with Nvidia's 3D solution is that it requires proprietary hardware. Luckily Tri-def working with it means I don't have to deal with that crap... Seriously, I dropped 700$ on a 3D TV (and another 200$ on glasses) Why would I buy their solution ON TOP of that? Seems greedy of Nvidia to me for that to be required.

Anyway, I'm not too concerned about DX12 and Vulkan right now. I tried out DX12 on Hitman and I couldn't even see a difference compared to DX11... plus TriDef only works with DX9, 10, & 11 so it wouldn't matter anyway. Vulkan... honestly vulkan I don't even really understand other than being something like DX or OpenGL (and on that I'm not even certain)

Regarding fan direction and such, the setup in my case (being a Mini ITX HTPC case) has the card facing DOWN. I'm not sure what direction it's blowing, but I did put 2 case fans right above the card that are blowing upwards and out of the case (relatively anyway, there's about a 1 inch wide opening for air to escape on top... whoever designed this case's flow is certifiably mad)

If I am correct in my assumption though, it sounds pretty standard to have GPU fans SUCK air, so that would mean there's 2 fans on the GPU sucking from underneath the case, and 2 fans above the card blowing that air out the top.

There's also a CPU fan sucking air IN from the same damn vent that the case fans on top are supposed to be blowing out of as well. So I wonder if that's causing issue of some kind.

Writing this all out, I'm wondering if there's a better fan setup. I know there's whole discussions on Positive vs Negative airflow. I think I technically have positive... since there are 3 fans sucking in and 2 fans blowing out. But one fan is completely blocked by the top of the case... maybe that's causing issue.

God this whole computer is so frustrating. That's what I get though for building a custom console instead of a desktop PC lol.

I'm really leaning towards this Mini 1060 though, with all the information you guys have given me about everything. I'm wondering though, Is the performance on the ITX cards comparable to the full size models? I imagine it can't be, otherwise why would they ever make full-size models in the first place? right? I was having a hard time finding info on that via google.
1. NVidia supports both ... those glasses provide the superior experience

2. To be frank, a $250 monitor presents a better image than $2000 TV

3. The standard orientation of a GFX card is to have the fans blow up thru the heat sink .... no air however comes out of the top of the card ... it exits thru the sides

4. CPU and GPU fans don't "count" for case air flow ... it would appear that you are including them in your fan count, you can't. Perhaps if you include your case model and how many "case" fans you have and where I could address your air flow issue.

OMG I had no idea that they didn't contribute to the count! That means I only have the 2 fans I installed (replaced 1) blowing out the case.

The case itself is from the Syber Vapor series.
Both fans are mounted to the bracket above the video card blowing upwards.
Once you see the case's top you will understand how ludicrous the venting is. haha.

When I set it up that way I was just thinking "Heat rises" and figured I could draw anything still in there away from the card.

How on earth can I change the direction of the CPU fan?

Unfortunately there is literally no room for anything else to go in the case.
This case is only the size of an Xbox One.
I can't stress enough how little room there is in this case. You have to take it halfway apart just to get to the video card in the first place lol.

Maybe it would be better to have all the air blowing DOWN?

With certain CPU coolers like the Hyper 212 EVO you can decide which direction you want the CPU fan to blow. From looking at a few pictures of Syber Vapor cases it looks like you can only use low profile coolers that blow straight down though.


As for the other fans, changing them to blow down probably isn't the best idea. Your GPU is going to be pushing air up and if you have case fans pushing air down you are just going to end up with air blowing around inside with no way out. Also, heat rises so pushing air down to fight against that probably isn't the best idea.

For a regular desktop build I always make good airflow by putting intake fans in the front and bottom of the case and exhaust fans on the top and rear. I make sure my CPU cooler is pushing air into the rear exhaust. The GPU naturally pushes air up so it just contributes to the overall airflow.

With the case you chose, it doesn't look like you have many options in terms of improving airflow. If there is no vent for an intake fan on the bottom there isn't much you can do. The biggest improvement you can make is to just find a card with less TDP so there is less waste heat to dispose of. Since you are coming from something with a 275W TDP this shouldn't be hard to do. A 1060 with a 120W TDP should be a good choice. If there is no airflow it still might not fix all your problems though.

Edit: After looking at a picture this case from the outside, it's pretty clear that there isn't enough ventilation. It looks like the only opening is the small vent in the middle of the top. Small cases may look cool but it might be time to cut your losses and transfer your hardware over to a full tower.


Yes! OMG you don't know how satisfying it is to have someone, ANYONE understand how horrible that vent on top of the case is! haha. My fiance and friends don't understand any of this stuff XD

Comparing the pictures you had to my build I made some alterations:

Where the Hard drives are where I have the 2 full size case fans.
So you can see how the one near the front of the case is just blowing into the top with nowhere to go >.<
I actually have my hard drive mounted UNDERNEATH that metal bracket under the front fan as well.
(To make room for the extra fan)
I also removed the bottom of the case (It looks exactly like the top) however the bottom side is purely cosmetic (and unseen) as there's a flat metal cage with plenty of venting under it.
I then raised that up on large rubber feet about an inch to help air get in the case since that's the direction the card is drawing from with it's fans.

I had considered taking a dremel to the top of the case and cutting the plastic off. (There's vented metal caging underneath it, so it wouldn't be just open) I didn't really want to destroy the look of the case though.

I've thought about getting a different case... the problem is it would basically destroy the build's main purpose. Which is to be a custom video game console. Something you can throw in a backpack and take to a friends house, something that fits perfectly right next to all the others ya know?

Which if that sounds crazy, I've already done it:

So changing cases would be my absolute last resort to fixing this all 🙁

Well it sounds like for sure getting the 1060 would be a good place to start:
Cooler operating card with less than half the TDP.
The Mini or "ITX" version is way smaller, which should improve airflow, at least slightly. I did notice this with my R7 260X and that's still bigger than the 1060 Mini.
Card seems to have a higher clock rate too, though only 6GB of VRAM instead of 8, but I'd be surprised if I was going over 6GB while playing at 1080p.

If I am lucky, perhaps I can squeeze a small case fan in to pull air into the case from the bottom, albeit right next to the card.
A few hints you may find useful:
Turn Vsync on, it'll limit the FPS and therefore the GPU load in every game.
Lower the settings a little, AA is particularly taxing and makes the GPU work much harder, combined with turning Vsync on it'll dramatically lower the GPU workload in many games.
Air needs to FLOW, some in some out, cool in, hot out.
Don't be too bothered about convection, hot air wants to rise but the force is weak, fans can easily overcome it if needed.
AFAIK the GTX1060 FE doesn't throttle.
Just get a GTX 1060 or AMD RX480 & you'll see a huge difference from a 390X. For your particular use case, I'd definitely recommend the 1060 because it uses way less power so there's less heat to be vented. The other thing is can you stand the case on it's side? I have a similar form factor case & the GPU is much better when it's stood on its side as the cool air can get into the GPU then.