ITX gaming PC,what case should i use?


Aug 6, 2015
I need a great ITX case with great cooling performance,please suggest some for me.thanks you.

My Build:
CPU:Intel i5-4460
Main Board:Gigabyte H97N-WIFI
Graphics Card:GTX 960 4GB:MSI Gaming(26.7cm long)/Gigabyte windforce 2X(25.7cm long)/ASUS STRIX(21.52cm long)
RAM:Kingston value 8GB
Harddisk:WD blue 1TB 64MB/Toshiba 2TB 64MB
Power supply:i don't know
budget:under US$800(no monitor needed)

requirement of the case(not a must):
1.two side of the case shorter than 25cm,eg:22*21*35(cm) is accepted
2.have no side windows
3.using ATX power supply.if not possible,SFX Power supply is accepted

sorting-list of cases:
1.cooler master elite 130: only 1 large fan and a tiny 80mm fan(if i am lucky)
2.Fractal-design Node 304: front panel block the intake of the air,only few shop sell it
3.Fractal-design Core 500: front panel block the intake of the air,better water cooling support,only few shop sell it
4.thermaltake Core V1: oversized,with a side windows,but get a huge 200mm fan and 2 80mm fan
5.Corsair Obsidian 250D: oversized,with a side windows,front panel block the intake of the air,but i may install water colling later
6.Silverstone sg13: just because Linus Tech Tips put a E5-2699V3 and Titan X inside it and ran without any temperature issues,but i can only
afford to buy the noctua fan but not the corsair H80i
7.Antec ISK600:great Maximum CPU cooler height,but only with few vents
PS:sorry for poor english
I have The Elite 130 Case, and the following system:

GPU: Zotac GTX970
CPU: i5-4690k quad core, 3.5ghz
CPU cooler: H60 liquid cooler
RAM: 8gig 1600mhz, single stick Hyperfury x
MOBO: MSI Z971 AC (mini ITX)
SSD: 256gb SanDisk
PSU: 750watt evga
Monitor: 144hz BenQ 1080*1920 display
Running Win 7

In my experience with it, I have packed it in my checked baggage for 4 flights now, with no problems (didn't bring the monitor) It is quite portable, very small and I really had to cram stuff in to make it fit when I built it, but because my system has CPU liquid cooling, CPU temps are fine, and since the GPU fans face the proferated side of the case GPU air is always fresh, which is nice.

Biggest cons with elite 130:
1: 80MM fan is awful, noisy and has crappy airflow
2: they should have put Dust filters over GPU air intake (front one is properly done) (sides are not filtered) (top is partly a filter)
3: installation of all your parts is very difficult but awesome when you're finished.
Biggest pros:
1: most compact out of anything you've listed
2: survives being brutalized in Airport Baggage
3: re-arranging fans inside to blow out the front and sides has allowed me to suck air in from the top which is atleast partly filtered, and I can run my system well.
4: got it for 45$ on a sale
5: Rubber feet also survive airport travel without breaking so far.

PS: you mentioned wanted excellent cooling, this case is ONLY good if you have liquid cooling, you CANNOT use standard air cooling for the CPU because it won't clear the ATX supply located right above the cpu spot. it'll heat up so bad you'll get thermal throttling. This is a problem with the 130, because you need to be able to move CPU heat off the mobo with liquid cooling. Unfortunately the board you purchased probably won't let you OC

I have some comments:
1. its not the most compact. the silverstone one is.
2,4,5. its just a 45$ plastic case...

good is good enough.I never OC,and will not do that.
It is great to know how its cooling performance and how the user feel during daily use with similar hardwares installed.
I think i can afford to get a entry-class water cooling(about US$40-50)
it have great shape to putting in baggage,but i am worry the crashing during travel will cause liquid leak.

it seems many Silverstone's ITX case(even other brand) require PSU be a vents for supporting cooldown inside of the case.
only Core V1 don't require that,but its side panel vent don't have dust filter.

Make one. It's pretty easy. We have a 3D printer at school. Frame, mesh, some small rare-earth magents, glue, and you are good to go. Rare-earth magnets, glue and mesh will do fine alone if you put them on the inside.

Everything will have some draw-back. There is no perfect solution. My ML07 has the standard stuff inside and two 120mm SP Corsairs and runs both cool and quiet. There is plenty of venting and the PSU has it's own case vent and is almost sealed off from the rest of the case, so it handles it's own air.

Small and cool with good aire-flow are generally opposite ends of the spectrum.

If you explained the 'why' we might be able to offer other suggestions.

Why that size?
Why no window?

Have you bought the parts?
How much modding might you do?

reply for DonkeyOatie:
Why that size?due to my size of my luggage
Why no window?because it will wear out quickly
Have you bought the parts?no

I better to get a existing products,there are no 3D printer for renting here.And i think i can't afford that in term of time and money.
thanks for helping.
PS: people from this forum and other forum give me a lot of idea for make it balanced.
one is a easy solution:just get thermaltake Core V1
another one is cooler master elite 130 with CPU liquid cooling

Looking at your requirements and comments:

No window
Only one dimension over 25cm
Able to hole your parts or something very similar
Good cooling
Filters over all the intakes
PSU not using case air
Under about $50 (to fit in the budget of your build)

No case meets all of the needs and most of them miss two or three.

SG05 and CM 130 are very compact, but difficult to cool, difficult to build, and difficult to get good air flow.
The Core V1 is much easier to build and cool, but has a window.
Azza Z, RVZ01 and ML07, and many others, are too big.

All or most have unfiltered air intakes or side-panels.

Your system is moderate power, so I do not see cooling needing to be as robust as you seem to you need. I'd guess at around 250W of dissipation over the whole system.

A low-profile air cooler, like the RAIKINTEK Pallas I use (or similar), will fit in several cases and cool your CPU, although you may need to be careful with motherboard selection. The heavier your cooler, the more concern I would have about handling, unless you 'carry-on' yourself.

A resistant film will protect windows and can be replaced inexpensively when needed. Because the window panel in the Core Vi is removable, it is easy to protect. The one in our Middle School build is unmarked after months of use, the same with the window on my Core V21.

Do you want a DVD drive in case or will you use an external USB drive?
reply button lost again.

Let me sum my new view up:
I just ask the local shop for quotation.The build cost me:US$683 (no case and no CPU cooler)
So,there are US$117 for case and CPU cooler,if liquid cooler needed,overall burget can be exceed
I think requirements should be:
"A must":Good cooling(no OC needed),mini-ITX,can fit shortest standerd 960(21.52cm)
"if it possible,then consider it": Only one dimension over 27cm,PSU not using case air

Do you want a DVD drive in case or will you use an external USB drive?
I will buy a external DVD drive if i need.giveaway for cable management or other else.

Peoples from other froum share some sucess case of CM130 with entry-class liquid cooler.Also the Core V1.
testing CM130 with liquid cooler by LinX 5 mins.,CPU is i5-4460,maxium CPU Temp. is 58C,and the MB temp. is 39C
i think that is good in my standard.

So CM130 or Core V1,which one will you pick?
They meets all of the needs base on new version of requirements.