Just completing a build and had intended to use powerline as the internet transfer/connection but for some reason my cables in my house are a bit screwed up and do not provide any benefit - actually its terrible
Hence I'm resorting to a USB connection (dongle or wired stand-up with antennas are fine)
Requirements are a stable connection over a distance of approx 20meters through a few stud-partition walls. I need the signal to be as stable as possible and transfer rate needs about 6Mb/sec or so (so not much). I have a "n" virgin super hub 2 router (i think it's 60Mb/sec connection) but i am happy to buy an "ac" USB adaptor if there is added benefit - strength and stability being the priority
Any suggestions are much appreciated - even a few options would be great - I'm in the UK
Hence I'm resorting to a USB connection (dongle or wired stand-up with antennas are fine)
Requirements are a stable connection over a distance of approx 20meters through a few stud-partition walls. I need the signal to be as stable as possible and transfer rate needs about 6Mb/sec or so (so not much). I have a "n" virgin super hub 2 router (i think it's 60Mb/sec connection) but i am happy to buy an "ac" USB adaptor if there is added benefit - strength and stability being the priority
Any suggestions are much appreciated - even a few options would be great - I'm in the UK