I've been receiving short bursts of Packet Loss that occurs more frequently during the evening/night


Jul 14, 2015
My ISP is Charter I've called them and they claimed there was nothing wrong with there connection, so I searched around forums and learned how to use command prompt to help find where the packet loss came from. I used tracert to google.com and found a few IPs that I pinged on a separate command window. My first IP (router) didn't come across any problems. The second one my modem didn't show an IP just said Request timed out. I ping tested the next two IPs and got small packet loss from each of them around 2% to 4%. Not sure what it means, but the IPs were from my ISP please enlighten me as I don't know much about this. Then I went to my router address updated my firmware changed my IP reset my modem and router several times, but still got no fix.

This has been going on for 3 days now and is extremely frustrating I use teamspeak's connection information to see my packet loss. It used to never budge from 0% but now its always spiking. In the morning it'll stay at 0 for like 20minutes then spike to 20% then go down. It is relatively short however in the evening the packet loss won't even go to 0% it'll always hover around 1-3% lowest being around 0.50% and then does the same spiking up to around 30% packet loss. I've ran speed tests and my upload speed is around 4.2mbps and download speed is around 67 mbps so I don't see the problem there. I'm so confused how this randomly started happening and it's frustrating as my packet loss use to always stay at 0% now its always changing and makes it impossible to play any form of online games.

I'd appreciate any help to find out why this has recently started happening, thank you.
Before you blame your ISP, make sure you're sampling with your network idle, no games, no streaming, nothing, just pings.

Make sure you ping a wide range of IPs and varying hops and locations in your ISP's network and outside the network, like game servers or hops between you and the servers. Compile this information to figure out where the issue seems to be.

You need proof that it's your ISP's fault and let them know that even 4% loss is breaking stuff.

The thing is the packet loss is extremely inconsistent like I redid the ping tests and this time there was no packet loss, but its always randomly spiking, I've tried to see if there's a pattern going on but I can't seem to find one. I'm not sure how accurately teamspeak measures packet loss, but I've noticed that if it isn't above 8% then my command ping tests won't have enough request time outs to make it even 1%.

Just went and did a ping test to google.com when teampseak showed I had over 10% packet loss, during the test it dropped down to 0.50% slowly, once I stopped the test it said there was 1% packet loss.

Is there a way to check if the problem is from my modem? I have a feeling this could be it, but I'm not sure.
Teamspeak just spiked my packet loss all the way up to 60% and I was running a ping test to google again during the time, but no Requests were timed out and there was 0 packet loss on the test. I'm so confused now... I'm going to try swapping out my modem and getting all new wires as well hopefully will improve or fix this.