I've got this videocard in another PC. The prob is the only drivers that work are the ones on this site

This videocard

I tried a later version of the drivers (from Nvidia), a few weeks ago.

It kept bringing up a black screen for a sec, then displaying the message (cant remember the exact message now) had recovered. But it's a common message.

And it kept crashing Firefox . On most of the sites, the flatmate goes to. And I could see artifacts on this canasta game, my flatmate plays.

So I uninstalled the drivers, used DDU and everything was fine

I thought a later version (which came out 5/12) on the Nvidia site, would fix it. No. it did the same thing.

So why would later drivers cause these probs?? Are the drivers on the Nvidia site missing something, that the ASUS drivers on the ASUS site has?

Anyone have any ideas?
It is most likely ''Display driver has stopped responding and has been recovered''.

It can happen with any NVidia graphics card. I've used a GTX 970 and a GTX 950 over the past year, and both suffered from the issue in a few specific drivers.

So I personally don't think It's to do with your VGA specifically, more Nvidia GPU's actively suffer from that bug.

Seems like the best idea is to revert back to the Nvidia driver provided on Asus' website if that one works without issues. You could still try updating to the latest Nvidia driver that's available, and if it you suffer from familiar issues again do report it to the Nvidia support team, you never know. It's an annoying bug but It's not harmful.

Before you update to a new Nvidia driver, make sure to check this Subreddit:

Whenever a new driver is available people will tell you if the driver works fine or not. That's what I usually did before updating.

How do you remove/uninstall your drivers before you install a new one? Have you tried the manual uninstalling route?

Where two manufacturer's are involved in producing a particular graphics card, it's usually best to use the driver supplied by the card manufacturer, not the GPU manufacturer.

Unless the card manufacturer's site simply redirects you to the GPU manufacturer's site, in which case the above obviously doesn't apply.