I've had it with ATI. Need help with a new card


Aug 1, 2014
I've been out of the computer parts loop for a few years and need help.

I currently have a Dell Studio XPS 435t / 9000. Here are the specs: http://www.dell.com/us/dfh/p/studio-xps-435/pd

I have a 475 watt PSU in and my ATI Radeon™ HD4870 card just died. Which makes it my 4th dead ATI card of my pc gaming life and I'm fed up with em.

Can anyone recommend me maybe an Nvidea card or something that is either equal to or greater than my previous card? my price range is $149-$199.

Unfortunately for you, at that price point AMD really is best at the moment. The 270x is currently the best $200 card and the 260x/265 are the best around the $150 point.

On the nvidia side you are looking at the 750ti/760. The 760 goes for around $250 unless its gotten a recent price cut, and while the 750 ti is $150, it is priced at a premium because of its efficiency, it does not really compete with the AMD cards in terms of price/performance.

If you are dead set on going nvidia my suggestion would be to either save up a bit for the 760 (unless the efficiency of the 750 ti is appealing to you) or wait for the Maxwell 800 series cards (3-4 months away).

Will the 270x be a god match for my system. I just have this strange feeling that I'm gonna fry something. I've had a bad sting of luck lately when it comes to everything.

what brand of psu? if the psu sucks get the 750ti for low power consumption

I had the PSU tested it runs like a champ and its a 475w. I dont know who makes it. it came with the system.

a 270x would be cutting it close...PSUs dont like to run near full capacity. I would say go with the 750ti for the low power consumption.

The gtx 750 ti is oh, roughly, twice as powerful as your old card at least.

It meets both of your criteria and would work with your current power supply.

Just be aware some versions need an additional 6-pin power connector from the power supply.

Look for a specific model that does not need it, if your psu does not have one.

I didnt realize there were so many version. ugh


I took it to a local guy my dad knows whose a bit of a gamer and has his own home PC repair business. Since my dad has given and refereed him a lot of business over the years he agreed to run a full diagnosis on my system to see if it was the motherboard my card or power supply that was screwed up.

He told me everything was fine but my card was fried. He just said with all of my specs that I should get a card in the 175-199 dollar range and to be safe to shoot for a 450w card.

He never said anything about bios and I couldnt find anything on the web.
The R9 270x will run on a 475w absolutely fine... I have an R9 270 overclocked on a 500w and have no trouble whatsoever.....

Both are brilliant cards, I personally prefer Gigabyte

the questions on the page said that 650w is perferred.
bump to what ? with any prebuilt all upgrades over what dell spec. for that is at own risk there only guaranteed to work as is out of the box with what came on it and whats on there official supported upgrade list for it .. anything else is all on you
I haven found any lists of anything that it isn't compatible. *ive spent 25 min searching* Just to keep the wattage to around 450 or so.

The guy I took it to said just to go out and get one in the 179-200 range