Japan Display Working on 4k Tablet Screen

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You will have 4k in tablets and phones before you can afford one for your desktop...
But good to see that at least tablets are soon ready to 4K time, lets see when the CPU/GPU for the tablets can for the same... in two years?
Oh god no 🙁
This PPI war need to stop and instead focus on color gamut,contrast, response time... etc
and give us GPUs that can fully handle today's 1080p/1600p mobile and tablet displays instead of the measly ~100gflops gpus available in devices right now.
^ Agreed. Unless you sit 3 feet from your screen, 1080P is good enough. I want epic contrast ratios that aren't dynamic and so many colours I barf rainbows when playing games please 😀

In 10-15 years, people will joke about how people from the 2000's and 2010's thought 720p and 1080p was "good enough"

It's not like you're gonna be playing Crysis 3 or Metro on a tablet anytime soon. To power this, for basic usage, even Intel HD graphics would be good enough.

I imagine they will joke about how companies wasted their time on screen improvements that were imperceivable to the human eye, but thats just me

You've probably never used a 4K monitor...

Trust me, you notice. Especially going back to a 27" 1080p screen.

4K res is kinds useless on a 12" screen, yes.

With a very keen eye you might be able to notice a small difference with a 4k screen on a 27" monitor over 2k. However, you could get those same results with a 3000 or even a 2500 pixle wide display. At comfortable viewing distances and realistic screen sizes, 2k is pushing the limits for what the human eye can perceive.

The only reason 4k receives so much hype is because that is what manufactures want. Higher resolution is easy to develope and even easier to market. The consumer would be better served with advancements in color quality than increased resolution.

Don't perpetuate the hype.
If they can build 4k 12 inch panels, where the hell are the 24 inch panels, it should be FAR easier to make desktop monitors with that resolution then tiny screens.

In a tablet 4k is largely a waste, but for a 24" desktop monitor it would make a difference.

Unless.....you like to hold your tablet 1 foot from your face---which no one does---you would never notice the difference between 2k and 4k.
4K is absolutely unnecessary for a tablet. But, like the term 'HD", it sells itself to unsuspecting customers

4K may be worth looking into for 17 - 18" gaming laptops....in a couple years when the hardware is good enough to actually run a game at that resolution (note I say run, not max out) , and when 4K content is widely available
What most of you are skipping over here is that while 4k isn't necessary for a visual standpoint, you reap massive rewards in running native format vs having to always use the processor to scale EVERYTHING. The extra power needed for the screen will ALWAYS be less then the amount of power to re-process a 4k image down to a lower resolution. Not to mention that any type of scaling producing visual artifacts as a pixel can only ever be one color as one time.
This whole PPI thing is not very different from the megapixel war on cellphones and point and shoot cameras about 6-10 years ago. And the FPS thing in games these days has some similarities too.

Like the first poster said, there are far too many other variables in making a screen look good to us.

With the current lack of adequate 4K content, wouldn't you be at a disadvantage watching and playing 1080p/1440p content on a 4K screen?

4K on 12", impractical and little more than a gimmick.
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