JFK ... calling all conspiracy theorists

Ok...it's time for me confess...I shot JFK...there was a lone gunman, and it was me...Jack Ruby and Oswald were patsies created by the other 12 families of the Illuminati, let me just say you DO NOT want to piss those people off, which JFK did by being drunk at his Bilderberg Group Indoctrination Ceremony and the fact he lured one of the Rothschild's nieces into a threesome with Marylin Monroe, definitely a no-no...and I can safely say it after all these years. Phew! That's a load off my chest!

While I'm at it...I also shot the sheriff but not the Deputy...and, Grandma was not run over by a reindeer, that was me driving a 1966 Pontiac Catalina...

In all seriousness, the JFK assassination took place 50 years ago, ten years before I was even born. It was tragic and permanently branded into the American psyche. I don't get the fascination...
The only odd thing for me is in the slowed down computer-enhanced version of the Zapruder film. The 2nd shot clearly appears to be a frontal strike. The head movement, impact splash, and spray are all indications of a frontal hit.

The Warren Commission did not have computer enhancement available as we do today.

Yes ... your so right ... plus the big chunk missing out of the back of his head.

Must have been at least 8 shots fired ... not three.

Otherwise the Governor was hit by one bullet with which was quantum entangled with the stock market.