Not sure if one can call the Jolla the first crowdsourced tablet. I subscribed to a Pengpod 7-inch almost 2 years ago. It dual boots Android and a version of Lubuntu. The Lubuntu format wasn't too good because of below par touch support.
Strange too that almost no one mentions the Ubutab: 10.1-inch 1920x1200 screen, quad-core, 2Gb ram, 1Tb HD (or 500Gb / 1Tb SSD), Ubuntu for tablets, AC wi-fi at $290 also at Indiegogo, delivery in April 2015.
I guess it's because it's not an Android-compatible OS (Android is available if requested but Ubuntu is the default install). Add a foldable 10-inch keyboard case (about $20) and it should make a very compelling device for mobile and office work.