July 28, 2004, A-GPS Issue Update:



Archived from groups: alt.cellular.nextel (More info?)

July 28, 2004, A-GPS Issue Update: Solution Has Been Identified By Motorola
Engineers. Nextel Developing Rollout Plans.

Motorola recently became aware of a software issue affecting assisted global
positioning satellite location (A-GPS) services for the Motorola i205, i305,
i530, i710, i730, i733, i736 and i830 iDEN® phones. Engineers from Motorola
and Nextel are working diligently to remedy the situation and have
identified a fix, which requires a two-part solution. The first part is to
deploy a network solution, and this has been completed. The second part of
the fix is to update software on customers' phones, and Nextel is developing
plans now to help update those affected phones.

Nextel's Motorola iDEN phones continue to be fully operational with regard
to other services, including cellular phone calls, Nextel Direct Connect®
calls, voice mail, Caller ID and wireless data applications such as text
messaging, email and SMS. Nextel will continue selling its current line of
Motorola iDEN phones and will update any functionality as required to
address this issue.

For customers using the Motorola i58sr and i88s iDEN phones, the A-GPS
commercial location services capabilities are fully functional; however,
these phones will require a software update to ensure they can take
advantage of E911 Phase II functionality in those areas where Nextel has
deployed Phase II service. E911 Phase II is a technology that provides 911
call centers with the approximate physical location of the wireless handset
used to place a 911 call.

Nextel's E911 Phase II service is now available for updated phones, and
Nextel and Motorola are working around the clock to expedite the updating
process. E911 Phase I service is available in a large portion of the country
for affected phones that have not received updated software. When a user
makes an E911 call with Phase I service, the call transmits the caller's
cell phone number and nearest cell site to Public Safety Answering Points -
or 911 - call centers.

Nextel is rolling out a program to deploy the new software for the phones,
and will share more details once the plan is solidified.

Please check back to this site for future updates.