just whant to know wy all the new ons how just ask for a bit of help to get going just get insulted or bad coment chucked at the isent what forume or about as thats what i think ther about any way all hear for some sort of help so come on you peaple how do this give us newbs a brake we all got to start somwher plus just check out the views to this and think of how menny uthersor thinking the same but just dosunt say anything and gos looks elswher so so by just giving the new ones that little bake look what good can come frome it.
thanks to all readers
plus id just like to give big respect and thanks to the ones how do give the help to the newboys aswell
( we all stat somwhare )
thanks to all readers
plus id just like to give big respect and thanks to the ones how do give the help to the newboys aswell
( we all stat somwhare )