No. You are wrong in all of that.
-Central banks are adopting Crypto currencies, (
CDBC) so you are wrong at the start.
And this what does means ?
-If you saved $100 dollar in the year 2000, at this date, you lost more than 50% of your savings due to inflation.
-Inflation, in long term, only depends on the quantity of money printed. It's a lie that it "depends on the society".
Just suppose there is a war, than become difficult to obtain corn and wheat so the price of these products goes up, consequently all goods produced with these materials will have the price increased. At this point the life is a bit more expensive than before. This is inflation without new money printed.
-You do not talk in name of any of the 8 billion people in the planet.
Never supposed to do it.
-The Chinese can only save by buying houses, but more than
400 million Chinese were scammed by the government. They spent all their life savings buying "tofu houses",and were scammed by the government. Lost all their life savings, and will never recover it.
-Hundreds of millions of Latin Americans and people in poor countries cannot save in any other way than with crypto.
In these countries the problems are cause by currency type.
-If you travel with cash, you may be robbed by pickpockets. You cannot carry more than a small amount in cash without being robbed by governments at airports.
Crypto can be also stolen, only the way is different.
On this example the standard currencies have an advantage, if the thief stole your pocket you loose few money, if instead stole your crypto pocket...
And there is the risk of loose the key to access the crypto pocket... 😀
-If you use a bank account, you pay enormous expenses in transferences, financial services that you never agreed, and exchange rates.
For transfers it depends on the bank, this is not strictly dependent on the currency.
Exchange rates is a problem of having multiple currencies. If the world decide to use only 1 currency, problem solved.
Who knows, maybe in the future every country will have a different crypto currency, US-bitcoin, EU-bitcoin, UK-cryptopound, and so on.
-Today people is denied use of bank accounts for the crime of individual opinion, like posting something in facebook, that somebody else may interpret as offensive, even without merit.
Also here the problems are not the currency type.