Just a few questions about setup


Jan 15, 2015

I play WoW at 1080p with a GTX 760 right now. I can hardely handle ultra settings in a raid. I am looking to get a 1070 and few questions:

Will I able to run ultra settings smoothly?
Is CX500M satisfactory for this build
I have no CPU cooler, but I do not plan to do any overclocking. But I do have 5 fans total inside. 3 intake 2 exhaust I believe.

I really just want to be able to play this game smoothly at ultra settings with over 60fps. I have a 144hz monitor so I want it to be smooth.
What else should I do to make this run as smooth as possible? THANK YOU
Supposedly the new CX650m is not a horrible unit, but I do agree that the B2 750 is a better choice. GTX 1070 will definitely run ultra, WoW. Put one in a friend's 3570k rig, over the weekend, and was running ultra 1440p, pretty well. Turned view distance down to 7, shadows to low, and disabled SSAO, and was hitting 80+ fps, in Ashran.
The 1070 is a bit much for your goals @ 200 fps in WoW at 1080p. A 1060 would do just fine.


SSD will not affect game play

CX500 is not a good PSU, and wattage is borderline for a 1070; a 1060 only needs 400 watts

Yes, you could still get the 970 ... but 1) you would be spending money you don't have tio to reach your goal, and 2) I'd recommend a better PSU (S12 520)

If overclocking, I'd get the 620.

Alternates would include the following which like the S12, are build on Seasonic's GB Bronze Platform

Antec High Current Gamer (M) 400-620
XFX Core 450-550
XFX TS 550 Bronze
Seasonic M12II Bronze 520-620

You definitely don't want to use a CX500M with your GTX 1070. Try something like one of these: http://pcpartpicker.com/products/compare/V9bp99%2CfZyFf7%2CqYTrxr/
In order, they are minimum (600B), pretty good (S12II 520W), and one of the best PSUs available (550 G2).

For more info on selecting a power supply, check out PSU Tier List

I assume that you already own the z97 and i5 4670? If you do not, I would buy the latest gen instead since they are the same price. If you do own them, I wouldn't worry, the i5-5670 is a solid performer and will be for a few more years.
I appreciate the super quick responses!

I am not overclocking anything but I will definitely look into a new power supply. If I plug the 1070 into the cx500m will things go bad and can I still use it?

How does the CX650M sound? Its $50 near me

And as performance goes you guys think I will get great FPS with the 1070 at ultra settings?
Thanks again

Just avoid the CX line if you can when you're using a powerful discrete GPU. A review of the CX750M shows that it's actually a 600W unit (Source). In most places, you can find a tier 3 PSU(from the list I linked above) for about the same price. Personally, I recommend the EVGA 600B, last time I bought a PSU, it was the cheapest tier 3 available, that might've changed though.

If you get a 1060, the CX500M will probably be ok. If you're buying a new PSU, i'd avoid it (better PSUs available for the same price), but if you own it already, it has good chances of working.

As indicated above, the CX series is unsuitable for the demands of a gaming rig ... The C in CX essentially stands for 'crappy caps".

The fps you will get in WoWs is clearly listed in above post (200 fps).... I think you will benefit more from actual data than opinions ... the 1070 is overpowered for 10809p. I'd only consider a 1070 if you are moving to 1440p in the near future.... and you will need to upgrade the PSU to something that is not a Corsair model without a C in the model name.

Start here to see how various games do:

If you are interested in a card that is well matched to 1080p, look at the 1060.....it gets 150+ fps in the only game you mentioned. Again, although it is still a CX, the 1060 presents a much ligher load and leaves plent of heardroom so that the CX500 will not likely be an issue. Wither 3 gets 60 fps and you can OC it 18%. Look starting here for performance in various games:


If choosing thew 1070, I'd avoid tier lists as the oft prove unreliable. A PSU can earn a tier based upon a review of one model / size and the whole line gets placed into a tier even tho two different sizes are of made on different platforms. I have also oft seen two PSUs made by the same OEM and on the same platform using the same parts wind up in different tiers.

The EVGA B2 is a fine choice not only because it's a well reviewed PSU but it is also usually ridiculously priced and powerful enough for two 970s ... however the usual $48 / $58 price is $70 today.

$58 http://pcpartpicker.com/product/fZyFf7/seasonic-power-supply-s12ii520bronze
$62 http://pcpartpicker.com/product/2tckcf/xfx-power-supply-xfxts550w
$70 http://pcpartpicker.com/product/3zNypg/corsair-power-supply-cp9020090na
$70 http://pcpartpicker.com/product/TgW9TW/seasonic-power-supply-m12ii520bronze
$70 http://pcpartpicker.com/product/nB3RsY/seasonic-power-supply-s12ii620bronze
$76 http://pcpartpicker.com/product/JYyFf7/evga-power-supply-110b20750vr

Supposedly the new CX650m is not a horrible unit, but I do agree that the B2 750 is a better choice. GTX 1070 will definitely run ultra, WoW. Put one in a friend's 3570k rig, over the weekend, and was running ultra 1440p, pretty well. Turned view distance down to 7, shadows to low, and disabled SSAO, and was hitting 80+ fps, in Ashran.
Can't comment on the 650M as it hasn't been reviewed yet. It's built by CWT on a custom platform and neither the 3 models using this platform have been reviewed as yet.

The 600M was reviewed (not well) by Techpowerup. The 750/850M were reviewed by Jonnyguru (again, not well) but we can't condemn the 3 new models as no one has as yet given us a good tear down and test.