Just a quick answer

Dec 22, 2017
I have 85 dollars to buy a used graphics card in Ebay, so i found a Asus Strix gtx 950 2GB and a EVGA gtx 760 SC 4GB, i really want the 760 bcs is 11+ better than 950 and cheaper, so the problem is that my PSU just have a 6 pin connector, and 760 needs 6+8 pin, can i buy an adapter for the PSU? if yes put me Ebay links(No more than 3 dollars please).

ASUS 950: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Asus-Nvidia-GeForce-GTX-950-Strix-2GB-GDDR5-GPU-Graphics-Card/142965520412?hash=item214968b81c:g:uzYAAOSw0rBbuWCZ

EVGA 760: https://www.ebay.com/itm/EVGA-NVIDIA-GeForce-GTX-760-SC-4GB-Superclocked/263992171212?epid=1609904656&hash=item3d7728dacc:g:h0AAAOSwdrhbxWOW:rk:1😛f:0

with a low quality PSU like that i wouldn't risk using adapters on it.

Question from fernandogamerdiversionymas : "Just a quick answer"

it will dpend on the quality and wattage of your power supply. adapters are not a good idea because they may not be able to supply the correct amount of power to the card which can damage your PSU and possibly cause it to catch on fire.

and please stick to one thread. making multiple ones will not get your question answered and faster