just a really random water cooling question

Yes, i guess you could run like 50-100extentions and skip the tubing all together. But the tubing isnt where the leakage occurs, its the fittings. Also, copper or stainless tubing would get into the water, and ruin your blocks/pump/res/fitting. Kind of why houses dont use copper tubing as well, well maybe specialized coated but im sure theres a nice price to pay for that.

Think of your garden hose. Getting water from the spout to your garden. You use a fitting, connected to the hose, and connect that to the spout. You then use a fitting connected to the hose, and connect to the handle thing.

You could run all fittings, yes, at 1/4 inch a piece, all the way. Thatd be a pain in the butt, and give you a very very high chance of leakage.
If your asking to get ride of plastic tubes? You can use ridged tubes, theyre more of a glass than plastic. But no, water needs to somehow get from on component to the other. Unless you want to completely submerge you entire interals of computer in some kind of oil, ive seen/read about this but don't know to much about it.
well the only reason my imagination was sparked was because i noticed that on frozen cpu they have these things that extend compression fitting and i just wondered if it would be possible to use a variety of different degree fittings and extensions to completely eliminate tubing all together and help thwart the worry of leakage i also thought it would be cool to have all stainless or copper tubing in place of plastic tubing or rigid acrylic tubing but i do suppose that pure fittings would make water pressure drop a bit
Yes, i guess you could run like 50-100extentions and skip the tubing all together. But the tubing isnt where the leakage occurs, its the fittings. Also, copper or stainless tubing would get into the water, and ruin your blocks/pump/res/fitting. Kind of why houses dont use copper tubing as well, well maybe specialized coated but im sure theres a nice price to pay for that.

Think of your garden hose. Getting water from the spout to your garden. You use a fitting, connected to the hose, and connect that to the spout. You then use a fitting connected to the hose, and connect to the handle thing.

You could run all fittings, yes, at 1/4 inch a piece, all the way. Thatd be a pain in the butt, and give you a very very high chance of leakage.

That makes since, i can see that. :) i do like the rigid acrylic way of doing things because you don't have to worry about sagging plus its easier to clean and doesn't need to be replaced as often from what i see from the rigid acrylic solution is that the pros heavily out weigh the cons the only con i can see is the pain of putting it together.

i kind of rambled there sorry XD
Yes, i guess you could run like 50-100extentions and skip the tubing all together. But the tubing isnt where the leakage occurs, its the fittings. Also, copper or stainless tubing would get into the water, and ruin your blocks/pump/res/fitting. Kind of why houses dont use copper tubing as well, well maybe specialized coated but im sure theres a nice price to pay for that.

90% of the water pipes in houses are uncoated copper, which doesn't "get in the water". Stainless steel wouldn't either, but is too hard to easily cut and bend.
You could certainly use copper pipes in a water cooling system, and the fact that you could solder the fittings would reduce the chance of leakage over acrylic tubes.

Yes, you can use copper, but then make sure you use all copper. If you mix copper with steel, or copper with anything else, then corrosion starts since the chemicals interact with one another. Look up pc watercooling corrosion pictures or google it and you'll find some very disturbing pictures.
Not trying to slam you here, I'm just saying that with that budget, you'll get a better gaming experience out of a xbox or playstation. And come time to upgrade/sell, you'll get more for your xbox/playstation, than you will out of your budget pc.

statistically showing that can be proven incorrect as most people who use gaming pc want to max out their experience over time not to mention they are going to enter fields in software development and implementation as well as video rendering and doing things such as "walkthroughs" on youtube to help aspiring gamers on ALL platforms. most people want MAX settings which is unattainable on modern platforms most people want ultra high Frames per Second. for example common systems reach medium settings at 60 Fps on crysis 3
where is a high end gaming and video rendering rig can reach triple digit fps by overclocking. i would say that console systems are more for the common public that JUST want to lay games in off time. not saying there bad and useless as i do own xbox and playstation systems and enjoy them very much but i personally prefer pc as it does offer better performance and is ULTIMATLY customizabe as well as offer more opportunities besides games. but trust me when i say that from a gaming standpoint only i can understand your point. :)