just baught a gtx 1070ti and have a few questions

Sounds to me like they're saying NVidia don't want their board partners binning the chips, so that lower end cards potentially overclock as good as higher end cards, depending on temperature. And they don't want them to factory overclock the GPUs, GPU boost 3.0 will do this anyway. I have no reason to doubt any content on the Linus tech tips channel, so it's probably true.

Whenever you buy a new GPU, it's a lottery (unless it's been binned) as to just how well it will overclock, sounds to me like NVidia want to even the field a bit by preventing the cheaper cards getting the worse GPUs.

ok thank you i just baught a gtx 1070ti ICX COOLING EVGA will those have better parts than a cheaper 1070?
The 1070ti is a different (more powerful) GPU than the 1070, if that's what you're asking. In general, a cheaper card with the same GPU (1070ti vs 1070ti) is cheaper because it uses less capable components, especially the cooler and power delivery. However, all cards use the same GPU (the only difference is the natural variation that happens during manufacturing).

so does the normal gtx 1070 have binned parts or is it more luck of the draw?
The only "part" they sometimes bin is the GPU. During manufacturing slight differences occur in the silicon which can make one processor slightly more efficient than another, and therefore can be overclocked higher before it crashes. Not all companies bin their GPUs, and not all admit to doing it. But, it's generally accepted that the more expensive cards will get the better GPUs. So yes, many 1070 cards will be binned according to their price.


so is the gtx 1070ti the only card that isnt allowed to be binned?
I wouldn't know, but the video does make it sound that way.