U uglyduckk Prominent Apr 27, 2017 6 0 510 Apr 27, 2017 #1 I'm running a i5 processor with gtx970 graphics card and 10 64 bit windows and I'm games like overwatch I'm getting only 15 fps on lowest settings, I feel like I shoul dbe getting way more than that? can anyone help me out? its a brand new computer
I'm running a i5 processor with gtx970 graphics card and 10 64 bit windows and I'm games like overwatch I'm getting only 15 fps on lowest settings, I feel like I shoul dbe getting way more than that? can anyone help me out? its a brand new computer
MMorris666 Honorable Jun 5, 2016 141 8 10,715 Apr 27, 2017 #2 Have you plugged your monitor in to your mobo or gpu? Upvote 0 Downvote
U uglyduckk Prominent Apr 27, 2017 6 0 510 Apr 27, 2017 #4 i was running a constant 30 fps, but randomly everyhting just dropped Upvote 0 Downvote
U uglyduckk Prominent Apr 27, 2017 6 0 510 Apr 27, 2017 #5 what kind of fps should i be running at with a set up like this? Upvote 0 Downvote
DRagor Polypheme Jan 23, 2017 9,077 795 65,440 Apr 27, 2017 #6 You should not connect monitor to motherboard - connect it to gtx970. Upvote 1 Downvote
O olin9 Distinguished Feb 20, 2008 403 1 18,865 Apr 27, 2017 #7 Plug your monitor into the GPU NOT the motherboard. If you plug into the motherboard it will use the I5 internal GPU, which is slower. Upvote 0 Downvote
Plug your monitor into the GPU NOT the motherboard. If you plug into the motherboard it will use the I5 internal GPU, which is slower.
Phillip Corcoran Titan Moderator Sep 7, 2013 26,069 897 120,140 Apr 27, 2017 #8 Why buy a PC which comes with a PCI Express GPU installed, if you're not going to use it? - - Upvote 0 Downvote
LucoTF Splendid Sep 6, 2013 6,414 1 27,960 Apr 27, 2017 #9 Every single time there's a thread about a good setup getting 15fps on low... 😀 Upvote 0 Downvote
U uglyduckk Prominent Apr 27, 2017 6 0 510 Apr 27, 2017 #10 its in my graphics card and no better Upvote 0 Downvote
C Carnaxus Reputable Apr 18, 2017 1,431 3 5,665 Apr 27, 2017 #11 Does your graphics card have a six-pin or eight-pin socket on it? If so, is there a power cord plugged into that socket? Upvote 0 Downvote
Does your graphics card have a six-pin or eight-pin socket on it? If so, is there a power cord plugged into that socket?