Just built a Gaming PC thinking about xbox one is it a waste of money?


Mar 2, 2012
I just built a gaming computer and its pretty nice but I am considering getting the Xbox One. Would it be a total waste of money to buy an Xbox One since I have a solid gaming computer? Who also plays console and built their own gaming pc? The Xbox one does look pretty promising.

i7 4770k
GTX 650 TI 2gb
Asus ROG Maximus Hero IV
G SKill 8gb of RM
they both have pros/cons.

Console you are mostly limited to controllers. PC you can do mouse/keyboard.

The XBox one will be an intergrated into your tv/home theater type of system, PC's you generally want to browse/game on a monitor.

You won't have to upgrade a console for the life of it. In 6 years when Call of Duty 11 is out, the XBox one will still play it. Your PC won't be able to probably play anything that is released in 6 years.

PC gaming looks better and PC's are a good multi-purpose machine.

Some games are console only. Like GTA5 hasn't been announced on PC yet, but it coming out on all consoles. The fact that no PC version is even mentioned, if it does come it, it will be a crappy console port. A lot of PC games are...
they both have pros/cons.

Console you are mostly limited to controllers. PC you can do mouse/keyboard.

The XBox one will be an intergrated into your tv/home theater type of system, PC's you generally want to browse/game on a monitor.

You won't have to upgrade a console for the life of it. In 6 years when Call of Duty 11 is out, the XBox one will still play it. Your PC won't be able to probably play anything that is released in 6 years.

PC gaming looks better and PC's are a good multi-purpose machine.

Some games are console only. Like GTA5 hasn't been announced on PC yet, but it coming out on all consoles. The fact that no PC version is even mentioned, if it does come it, it will be a crappy console port. A lot of PC games are going to be console ports. The advantage of that is with the PS4 and XB1 both using X86 AMD chips and Raedon graphics, port's may actually be a lot better.

I game on PC and consoles. I own a Wii, 360, PS3, PSP, DS, Vita.....and the 360 is my favorite. Of I have a choice between PC and 360, i alwasy get the 360 version.

But it depends on your preference, which do you prefer? Console or PC? I like PC for MMOs, consoles for FPS, and everything else. To me, nothing beats gaming on a 55 inch screen surrrounded by 7 speakers on a comfy couch

Just curious, by why don't you hook your PC up to your TV and sit back in your comfy couch and speakers? I'm 100% curious and not trashing, I just built a PC hooked up to my 60" and play with a wireless Xbox 360 controller while, when kids aren't home, utilizing my surround sound. Am I missing something?
Hi,I own a Wii, 360, PS3, PSP, DS,nd the 360 is my favorite. Of I have a choice between PC and 360, i alwasy get the 360 version too

I actually do the same thing as him. I own a backwards compatible PS3, Xbox 360, and a gaming PC, and I still buy everything on Xbox 360, as long as whatever game is on it. Apart from strategy games, of course. Those are frustratingly impossible to play with a controller.

Anyways, there are a few reasons I prefer Xbox.
First of all, friends. I don't know a single person who plays games on PC. Everyone I know is on Xbox 360 only.
Second, the majority of games that come out nowadays on PC, even some multiplatform games, do NOT support controllers. And I really do not like playing with mouse and keyboard. It may be more effective, but I feel that it's less immersive and fun for gaming itself. Unless, like I said, it's a strategy game.
Third, all consoles are easier than PC. Being a PC gamer myself, I realize it's still incredibly simple to install a game and do the patches, installs, tweaking settings, etc. But for consoles, it's just insert disc and play. Simple and fast.

I can't really think of anything better than those 3 right now, but this doesn't mean I think Xbox 360 is a better platform for gaming, just my preference. There are obvious reasons for people preferring PC, like better graphics, and being able to mod, but I personally don't care for that very much. Oh, and the amazing deals that never come to consoles but are pretty much a constant thing on PC via places like Steam and GOG.

I'm getting PS4 a little later, maybe when Naughty Dog's next game comes out. Getting Xbox One day one with BF4, CoD Ghosts, and Ryse. I'm also waiting for the next Starcraft 2 expansion. Can't wait for that!