Just built computer and monitor resolution connected to HDMI stuck at 1024x768! Seen as generic PnP Monitor in device manager


Sep 27, 2016
Just built a computer(windows 10) and the monitor that is connected to my graphics card (GTX 1070) via hdmi port is stuck at 1024x768. I also have a second monitor that is also connected to graphics card via DVI port that is able to display its native resolution of (1920x1080). Both monitors are displayed as generic PnP monitor in device manager.

**Both monitors are Asus VS-238**

Things I have tried so far:

-Rebooting computer

-Removing power cord to monitor and plugging back in

-Switching RAM cards positions
-Updated to latest graphics card driver

-Tried two HDMI cords

-Forcing monitor to 1080p resolution

-Changing resolution in advanced display settings

-Manually installing monitor drivers, but windows says I have most up to date drivers already installed

Please help!!
Hello... Typically everybody's device manager says that for their Monitors... mine do too... because a Driver/Name is not needed Unless your trying to use some ODD ball numbers/freq for a STD 1080P 60HZ monitor?... BUT it can be id'd or named in the OS/Device manager, but basically your GPU Driver is doing all the work, the OS has all it needs to run/read it as a PnP 1080P 60hz monitor. You should be able to get 1080P 60Hz with out any additional files, Unless you doing it in the wrong place or your putting in a wrong FREQ? You can NOT over clock a Digital input monitor LOL B )

I downloaded win7 version of utility to a temp folder... it de compressed it self into another folder (multiFrame_V1_1_0_3) and a PDF file... inside that Folder...
Hello... A monitor is a passive device... meaning it does not require a driver, but you can load a *.inf file to give your Device manager a name for the monitor and the OS further resolution information for it.

Right click your Desktop-Screen resolution... use this for your master display settings for the OS.

I downloaded the file, but how do I load the *.inf file?

This is what it says on device manager for me:
Hello... Typically everybody's device manager says that for their Monitors... mine do too... because a Driver/Name is not needed Unless your trying to use some ODD ball numbers/freq for a STD 1080P 60HZ monitor?... BUT it can be id'd or named in the OS/Device manager, but basically your GPU Driver is doing all the work, the OS has all it needs to run/read it as a PnP 1080P 60hz monitor. You should be able to get 1080P 60Hz with out any additional files, Unless you doing it in the wrong place or your putting in a wrong FREQ? You can NOT over clock a Digital input monitor LOL B )

I downloaded win7 version of utility to a temp folder... it de compressed it self into another folder (multiFrame_V1_1_0_3) and a PDF file... inside that Folder is a setup/install file and DATA folders... It appears they using a CLSID/registry files for doing this, and not a basic *.inf file for the OS install.

Did you try the setup for your OS version? I suggest disconnecting one monitor/Display during the install setup, as to not confuse things in the OS.