Just Checking .....

The Gaming Manatee

Jun 7, 2014
im going to make this short... here is my build http://pcpartpicker.com/user/MrManatee1234/saved/8xQG3C
i want it to be able to run any game on high setting or next to high settings.... i am also thinking about overclocking to about 4 gh instead of the 3.4 soo here is the question.... 1 can i overclock it to 4 ghz 2. Can i play all those games on high?
if not comment and tell me what i should play my budget is 1300 and i need the wireless network adaptor, mouse , and the keyboard.... thanks!
You prob won't even need to overclock the processor but I'm pretty sure you can overclock it to 4.2GHZ just by setting the multiplier to 42.

You should be able to play most games on ultra with your computer.
You prob won't even need to overclock the processor but I'm pretty sure you can overclock it to 4.2GHZ just by setting the multiplier to 42.

You should be able to play most games on ultra with your computer.