(Just curiosity) replacing water cooling radiator with a cpu heatsink attached to a peltier module?


Jun 14, 2018
99.999% sure i'm not going to do that, i'm just curious to know if it would make sense. Replacing the radiator of cpu water cooling loop with a cpu heatsink attached to a peltier module's cold side; placing it before the cpu heatsink, not after.
I never had one so that's why i'm asking. Is there any risk the liquid will freeze? Is there any way to control the cold side? Would this prevent the need for condensation-countermeasures, since the cpu wouldn't get as cold as it would with the more standard peltier attached directly to it?

If water cooling is enough in winter but not in summer, since peltier consumes more energy, would it make sense to make a "switch" in the tubes so you can make it pass through the peltier section or bypass it? (of course would turn the peltier and its fan off as well.

Or i'm just crazy?
I repeated yesterdays test with the plastic cooper tank but insulated with 1/2 inch foam today, today it took twice as long to cool to 32 F but the last reading was at the top of the water, it was 32 F up there also. I made a temp monitor that uses a small thermistor and will serve to switch the Peltier on and off using transistors, I could use 2 Peltiers if necessary. I'm thinking water cooling for the hot side of the Peltier using a radiator and circulating the cooler Peltier water to the CPU and back to the tank. I've found I can't get accurate readings using a wall thermometer or a meter with a long shaft. You need a small mass to get good readings.
I've watched the Peltier vid a few times, one of the better ones. Not much...
No the area around cpu would freeze since pelter on one side is hot on another is freezing, depends which wattage you take it can make moisture arounr cpu area, moving liquid is less likley to freeze but it will.

Also the water in watercooling loop is getting warmer as it keeps heat pretty well thats why you see higher temps later than you started up the pc.
I'm experimenting with a Peltier cooling water at the reservoir, this water will be pumped to the cpu and returned to the reservoir. The water temp is monitored by IC's and displayed on a meter, it also controls the power to the Peltier using transistors. Right now I'm working on the reservoir, it holds about a cup of water, plastic sides and top with a cooper bottom that will sit on the Petiler. The hot side of the Peltier will be cooled using a water loop.
Right I have the CPU connected to a heat sink and it works okay, but I got interested in the Peltier, and bought a few and tried them out and was impressed with the results. I did learn you can put the Peltier in a sealed enviorment to eliminate the condensation, a cooper plated at the top and bottom, a foam insulation gasket around the Peltier held by the plates, this worked well for me. With the temp monitoring I'm hoping to circulate water just above freezing to the CPU, I put 2 transistors in the control loop and I'd be able to use 2 Peltiers if necessary.
More testing being done, I put a glass 50 ml container on the cold side of the Peltier with a small amount of water in it, the water quickly began forming ice, I replaced the 50 container with a larger over 1 cup size tank, plastic sides cooper bottom placed (only half full) on the Peltier, the water quickly became 32 F, upper layer of water was 40 F with room temp 80 F, no water circulation and no insulation around the plastic.
Also I'll point out the Peltier is put in a sealed chamber with cooper bottom and top with foam insulation around the sides so there is no condensation problem.
I know for sure that i saw video on yt with pelter and mini fridge aka freon cooling, guy has putted/made entire cooling solution inside pc case with it, also compressor runs off 12V.
I was thinking of doing that since i have fridge which works, but its a lot of work.

As for pelter, he made watercooling on top of pelter, and tried with hyper evo 212 on top of it with modification.

Freon https://youtu.be/OWKG4F8ANu4
Peltier https://youtu.be/DHFGY32hV7w
I repeated yesterdays test with the plastic cooper tank but insulated with 1/2 inch foam today, today it took twice as long to cool to 32 F but the last reading was at the top of the water, it was 32 F up there also. I made a temp monitor that uses a small thermistor and will serve to switch the Peltier on and off using transistors, I could use 2 Peltiers if necessary. I'm thinking water cooling for the hot side of the Peltier using a radiator and circulating the cooler Peltier water to the CPU and back to the tank. I've found I can't get accurate readings using a wall thermometer or a meter with a long shaft. You need a small mass to get good readings.
I've watched the Peltier vid a few times, one of the better ones. Not much happing there lately. So it's 80 F here and I think cooling at 35 -40 F is better than cooling with water at 80 F.

So you managed to regulate the liquid temperature at the time it passes along the peltier module… keep me updated when you'll install it no the computer for regular work plz
That may take some time, this is a spare time thing, waited about a week for elbows to arrive from an online order. I spent time rebuilding a plastic tank, cooper bottom connected to a Peltier so I' have 2 stages of cooling for quicker startup time.