Just curious about PS4's power


Jun 14, 2013
I'm just being curious. Take, for example, something like Killzone: Shadow Fall. Imagine Guerrilla released KZ for PC looking exactly identical and performing exactly the same. As they stated, KZ:SF barely scratched PS4's full potential in terms of power. So what kind of PC would it take to run that game on it? I know there is no information about such a thimg so I'm asking for your opinions and if you have knowledge in this kind of stuff, give a possible PC setup. Every answer much appreciated. Sorry for mistakes if there's any, english is not my native language
its apu(gpu is 1,8tflops wich puts it about the same as hd7850 and the cpu part is 8 core jaguar wich is theire mobile platform cpu) is stronger than its competitors but nowhere near the performance of 670 and i5 2500k combo, the only part that could be better(could) is 8GB of gddr5 ram wich makes the gpu part in there alot faster than it would be with ddr3, other than that its a mid-range pc optimized for gaming

Honest opinion from a expert (computer engineer),

The new consoles really aren't all that impressive. They've been marketed as being designed with a 10 year lifespan, but there's absolutely nothing about either of them that definitively qualifies that statement.

Their predecessors, the XBox 360 and PS3 were released in 2005 and 2006 respectively. Both consoles featured hardware that was considered "state of the art" for their time. For example, the GPU in the 360 is a customized RV 520 that is shockingly similar to the high end X1800XL GPU also released in 2005. By comparison, the APU in the XBox One has a graphics processor that is somewhat similar to the mid range HD 7770 released almost two years ago.

This came at a cost however, as both consoles sold at a multi-hundred dollar loss each. Microsoft and Sony both hoped to recoup their manufacturing and R&D losses through licencing fees tacked onto each game. For a variety of reasons this didn't materialize and it is widely rumored that both the XBox 360 and PS3 generated huge net losses for their parent companies over the course of their lifespan.

So, both companies did an about face and reassessed the bill of materials for their products. They did away with expensive graphics horsepower and loaded up on dirt cheap DRAM memory. The result is a product that has a BOM that's very close to its retail price, making this generation of game consoles much more palatable to investors.

The one aspect that does stand out is the copious amount of DRAM (DDR3-2133 on the XBone, and GDDR-5 on the PS4). The visual fidelity of the consoles has already peaked. Games that are released in 5 years will not look any better than the do now. However, the extra memory provides much more room for expanded creativity down the line.