Just found this article


Jan 13, 2009
I just came across this article outlining something that's coming up for vote in the next week or two. http://news.yahoo.com/senate-bill-rewrite-lets-feds-read-your-e-mail-without-warrants-191930756.html

Basically this gives gov. the right to view your internet, emails, facebook, twitter, etc etc - without even needing to get a warrant signed by a judge.

Here is just a SHORT list of the other agencies (aside from every law enforcement group under the sun) that will be able to read your personal info, without a warrant:
Federal Reserve
the Federal Trade Commission
the Federal Maritime Commission
the Postal Regulatory Commission
the National Labor Relations Board
and the Mine Enforcement Safety and Health Review Commission

Are you kidding me? No I am not, I wish I was!

And on top of that, it wants to move the time frame you have to be notified by. From 5-10 days to a potential for over 310 days.

Write your elected official. Let them know, this kind of blanket power cant go unchecked. This could lead to terrible abuse of power, and would have a lasting effect on all of us.

I am not a "Hippy" - This isn't right v left - This is a clear example of over reach of power.

:non: http://news.yahoo.com/senate-bill-rewrite-lets-feds-read-your-e-mail-without-warrants-191930756.html :non:
I'll be honest, I do web design for a living. With a dash of marketing, pr, and SEO thrown in to round it out. I have been getting very twitchy politically lately, fighting the urge to use my powers for evil(politics)..... but......soo much garbage going on...... :fou:

Like seriously, there are actually people who are responsible for the scientific direction of this nation, that think science is a "Bunch of hooplah" Are you kidding me? How are they supposed to make a fair and balanced decision on a subject matter they view with contempt and scorn? And why? Because it goes against their beliefs, which might I add haven't had much in the way of updates, since the world was flat - and dinosaurs were Jesus ponies.


Sorry i apparently hit the rant button.
I wonder how the requests for info go? Does the FBI or gov organization just email facebook being like "Hey we need all of John Smith status updates, and his location info". Im assuming facebook has a small army of lawyers that must have some sort of input on the matter.
I thought that The PirateBay came up with a novel idea for uninterrupted file hosting.

“No citizen of any country should be subject to a repressive global code when they send an email or post a comment to a news article. They should not be prevented from sharing their innovations with global consumers simply because they live across a national frontier. That’s not how the Internet should ever work in our view — not if we want it to remain the space where economic, political and social exchanges can flourish,” he said in remarks delivered by video teleconference.


No where are the words of not being able to read them as a government entity is found here, only the right to say it, not prevention of monitoring it
It just strikes me as a huge slippery slope. Or rather, a part of an already out of control slide, from another slippery slope. But I digress... just one more step towards Hollywood payed bounty hunters tracking ip's and hunting people down for time warner. Ok maybe that's a stretch, but I think they already had one some kid in England extradited to the states. So maybe not such a huge one.

Doesn't matter, the US Gov't is already collecting all this information and waiting for a law to pass to allow them to be able to ready everything. It is only a matter of time - the gov't has too much invested in this to let it fall to the side.