Just got a new CPU and Motherboard want to make sure I got my fans set up right and keep my PC case as cool as possible


Jul 26, 2017
So I just put my new motherboard and CPU into my PC today and decided to go on fallout 4 now I meet the requirements for Fallout 4 and yet I can still feel my case get very hot even with my brand new CPU in.

CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
Ram: 8GB
Motherboard: MSI 970 Gaming AMD AM3 GBE LAN ATX

Here you can some pictures of my CPU fan and my system fan

Does anyone have any recommenedations for how I can cool my PC down abit?

My case is an CyberPower Gamer Ultra 7208

The only fans I have is the ones with graphics card, the rear exahust fan and the one with the CPU

Is there any recommendations you can give?
Thanks for the info! The CyberPower Gamer Ultra 7208 is built in the Cooler Master Elite 310, which is a 13 year old design that wasn't made for such hot components. Back then, the most powerful graphics cards didn't exceed 100W, and it was rare to find a CPU that used more than 100W. It will help to put fans into the open spaces on the front and side, but you may want to consider upgrading to a more modern case with better airflow.

Does that case have a place to install a 120mm fan at the front of the case? Try breathing by only exhaling. That is what your case is doing.

Feeling your case is okay but....

Do you have AMD Overdrive? http://www.tomshardware.com/faq/id-2122665/understanding-temperature-amd-cpus-apus.html can help you understand it better. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/phenom-overclock-athlon,2161-5.html should you feel the need for speed. Do you game? Do you use https://www.msi.com/page/afterburner 's OSD to see your temperatures while gaming?

Yeah, there's a cage for a 120mm fan on the front of the case. The HDD cage is right behind it, and the front panel only has a thin strip of ventilation near the bottom, so it is a rather restrictive design. It was a nice case for the budget gaming PC when it was made in 2009 (got the date wrong on the last reply!), but a case with high airflow would be better for his FX-8350 and GTX 1070.

Before throwing in the towel I would buy and install https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835608026. See if that helps.

I must say I do like the Vivo Titan. It's not the best case you will buy but it certainly has some good space. The HDDs are enclosed with the PSU
. Not a very efficient design that results in my 2 HDDs getting very warm. 44 and 52 right now.

They do have a 120mm fan that blows on them but it doesn't help all that much.that air just pools up against the PSU. The intake is at the bottom
(design an intake and then restrict half the airflow) and it exhausts out the back. 4 separate feet would seem to have been more effective. That makes the bottom 120mm fan moot. It's best to purchase a fully modular PSU because of the dead space behind the motherboard. A PSU without the modular design won't happily accept those wires even with Vivo's supplied tie off points.

It does have space on the other side of the board. It handles the 212 Evo with ease. At about 9" wide it will accommodate most CPU coolers. It can also contain the 1080 Ti with ease as well. With 170mm for CPU cooler and up to 410mm for a GFX card it certainly has those design aspects working right. It also has a couple fan spots up top the user can populate with 120mm or 140mm fans. It comes with 2 120mm blue led fans up front and a 120mm fan on the rear.

It also has removable mesh screens up front and on top
. There is a mesh screen filtering the air that enters your PSU. With all these filters in place I still do recommend cleaning at least once per month. It can get dusty fairly quick.

With some modification the Titan could be an awesome case. Do I recommend it? Yes I do.

I think I'll just get a more modern case, got any recommendations for cases? something not too expensive but can handle my cpu?