just got gtx 1070 but really bad fps

You're majorly bottlenecking because you're throttling the CPU. It needs to be cooler to run at it's rated speed.

I would reseat your CPU cooler and make sure you clean all the dust out of it and out of the rest of the case.
If your CPU is overheating then yes it's a bottleneck--I would say in and of itself it's probably a bottleneck, but it's also probably throttling. I would reseat your CPU cooler and make sure you clean all the dust out of it and out of the rest of the case.

in hitman i have 100% usage cpu
46% gpu usage is that a huge bottleneck?
You're majorly bottlenecking because you're throttling the CPU. It needs to be cooler to run at it's rated speed.

I would reseat your CPU cooler and make sure you clean all the dust out of it and out of the rest of the case.

Have you fixed it?
Did you clean case/cooler and reapplied thermal paste?