Just installed new Mobo, CPU and Hard Drive.


Sep 4, 2015
So i just installed a ASUS ROG motherboard and an intel 4790 processor along with a 3 tb seagate hard drive. system specs are as follows.

Asus ROG maximus VI motherboard
Intel I7 4790
nvidia gtx 770
3TB seagate hard drive.
corsair cx850M power supply

Whats happening is the Leds are shining nice and bright on my motherboard but when i turn the system on nothing happens other then that the cpu fan gives a little push about a quarter of a spin and then does nothing. The lights stay lit on the motherboard the entire time as well. Im baffled as to whats going on right now.
it wont even let me get to the point of resetting the bios.i cant get it to power on period


What Zerk is referring to is the CMOS clear jumper or button. (whichever your MB has) There should be a little jumper on the board somewhere. Check your motherboard manual on exactly how to do this.

Also did you plug in the power up by your CPU?


Yeah i did and i pressed the button and still nothing. Ive also hooked up a brand new power supply to the mobo and still nothing. at this point im preety sure its just the mobo DOA again.


What are the specs of your ram? Your ram being incompatible with the cpu or mobo is the only other likely thing than your mobo that could cause this. have you tried with 1 stick if you have more than 1 stick? i personally have very bad experiences with asus boards so i wouldn't be surprised if it was at fault.