Just purchased a new hdd and can't install windows 7


Feb 8, 2013
My hard drive was damaged and I receive a message saying disc error press ctrl-alt del. So I purchased a new hdd. Now my issue is installing my windows 7 Os to the new hdd. I have a product key from the Acer Aspire 5560 I bought less than a year ago. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I have tried contacting customer support and every time I explain the situation I miraculously get hung up on. (like 10 times)

Thanks in advance
You need to restore your Windows 7 OS by booting your Acer from the Factory Recovery Discs which will also install all the necessary drivers.

If you didn't make a set of Recovery Discs when your Acer was working okay, or you didn't get a set of Recovery Discs with the laptop, you may be able to order a set from the Acer Store online.

For USA: https://store.acer.com/store?Action=DisplayDataValidationServicePage&Env=BASE&Locale=en_US&SiteID=acerna

For UK: No online ordering service available for Recovery Discs. You must contact Acer Support by phone on 0871-760-1000
Can't? What part of the installation isn't working? Has it been correctly formatted? Is the windows key valid? Are you trying to boot from the blank HDD? Question seems a bit vague...