Just Purchased Comcast but am Having Ethernet Issues


Jun 18, 2014
Okay, so here's the deal. Our old ISP was Frontier Communications. They gave us a router for free. We had crappy speeds (6 MBPs). So, we switched to Xfinity. Currently, it's running great on the wireless laptops. We're getting extreme speeds and can stream HD videos without an lag and it's really nice.

We have our Modem that Xfinity told us to buy. We have that linked to our router (the one Frontier gave us for free). Our modem only has 1 Ethernet port but it is taken up by the connection from the modem to the router. So, I plugged my 50 ft Ethernet cord into the router then back to my computer. However, it tells me I am still using Frontier Communications and am getting the same speeds on Ookla speed test.

I don't know how to connect to the Comcast internet rather than the Frontier internet using an Ethernet cord.

I can always call customer support, but if you guys have any experience with it and maybe have something that could help, that'd be great.
Your question confused the heck out of me...

First, when you sign up for Internet service at Comcast, didn't a technician come to connect up everything for you?? If not, why?

As for your speed.. What exactly is the model of the Wireless Router? When you are running the tests... is there anything else connected to the internet at the time?

OK... here is how your connections should run. You have the line coming from outside into the house from the cable or internet... The cable should connect directly into the INPUT to your Cable Modem. There should only be ONE output from the Cable model (ethernet) and that should go into the LINE IN for your wireless router. Most Wireless routers have 4 Ethernet Ports. If you connect a main computer then you can connect that computer to any one of the lines.

If your router is old (Wireless G-type), I would recommend you buy a newer model... at the very least a Wireless N-type. It should help with multiple connections like laptops and phones and tablets.
If you have Comcast cable, Xfinity, then your modem needs to be provisioned with Comcast. Apparently you are still running off the previous ISP connection if that service has not been fully stopped or expired. You need to call Comcast and have them provision your modem for their service. If you are still connecting to the Frontier service via Ethernet, then you are also connecting to them via Wireless connection. You cannot be connecting to Xfinity via wireless connection, which is just an adaptation of your cable internet service, if you are not also connecting to them via wired service.

Go to the following address on both wired and wireless connections, and it will tell you who you are actually connecting through.


No technician came by. All they told us was to activate online. The model of our router is a Netgear 7550. I don't know if it is wireless N - Type or not. http://tinyurl.com/njd525e

When I am running the tests on my computer, everyone else is connected to Xfinity wi-fi from their laptops. (Of which there are two). On these ones, I had to go to the Xfinity website and activate the Xfinity wi-fi and set a password for the wi-fi, etc.

As for what you said about "how it should be set up", we have nothing from outside to plug it into. We have a Coax cable running from the modem to one side of a Coax splitter. (One of the 'out' sides). Then we have our TV hooked into the other Out splitter. Coming from the 'In' side of the coax splittter is another coax cable leading from the wall to the 'in' side.


Did the test on the laptops. I can either connect back to Frontier Wi-fi where it says my ISP is Frontier Communications, or I can connect to Xfinity wi-fi and it says my ISP is Comcast Communications.
There should NEVER be any possibility of connecting to multiple ISPs on the same line. Call Xfinity and tell them you need your modem reprovisioned or that you need a technician to come shoot signal through your line to determine why there is still a Frontier reference and why the connection is not at or near the correct speeds.

You don't mention what Xfinity tier package you went with, and since they also have a lowly 6mbps package, if you went with that, you didn't improve anything by making the switch. The basic package is Performance 6mbps in most service areas. The next step up is generally the Performance25 package at 25mbps.

I bought 105 MBPs. Also, I haven't canceled Frontier yet, I was going to do that soon. A technician is coming today, maybe he'll help.

Cancel Frontier. You're most likely having an ISP conflict since Xfinity hasn't provisioned your modem yet. Did you get a new cable modem from Xfinity? If you did not, I would either get one from them or buy a new Docsis 3.0 compatible modem, or you're unlikely to be able to achieve anything near the speeds you're paying for. Might want to get a Gigabit router as well. Old 10/100mbps routers may not be the best option with a very high speed data service.

Also, call Xfinity and have them verify your modem is active and provisioned through them. Or at least mention to the technician that you do not know if your modem is both compatible AND provisioned.