Just purchased i5 4690k, will i feel the difference?


Jan 2, 2015
Currently i am using an dual core HT i5-660 OC'ed @ 4.2Ghz. I just purchased a z97 mobo with a n i5-4690k, my GPU is a GTX 760 OC edition 8gb ddr3 ram, will i feel any difference for gaming? and why is my 7 year old CPU with hyperthreading, and not the new i5 🙁?
Hyperthreading will not benefit you in gaming with that rig anyway man, don`t worry about it. HT is a tech only found on the i7`s these days and on the i3`s to make them more compelling against AMD. You shuld feel a diff man, a nice one overall. But for you gaming needs you will have to upgrade your gpu, soon. But the other specs are very very good. you can now slap on any gpu and you should be able to run any game that exists at nice graphic settings.
It isn't 7 years old yet, it is 5 years and 10 months 😉

The reason is, a lot (if not all) first gen i5s like this one had only two physical cores, and with hyperthreading enabled this would make a total of four virtual cores which increases performance.

Current gen i5s are (Desktop i5s) are all quad cores. Four physical cores to share the workload, which will always perform better than two hyperthreaded cores.

If you want hyperthreading you need to buy an i7 4790k (4cores with hyperthreading) which is almost the same as the 4690k, but it has hyperthreading (and higher stock clockspeeds) the hyperthreading splits each core into two making it 8 virtual cores.

I hope i clarified it a little bit for you, if not ill try to explain it a bit more i guess.
I think you'll feel a noticeable difference in games, especially those that are more cpu bound. Not only does it have 4 physical cores vs 2 with ht, tech itself has updated and improved and overall performance will be greater. With a decent z97 motherboard and aftermarket cooler chances are you can oc your 4690k to 4.4ghz or higher fairly easily if you feel the need to. Not that it will need overclocked for most games.

As McDuncan pointed out a gpu upgrade will also help you out quite a bit and again in depends on what games you're playing.