just to know > is a cpu with 2 GHZ and 6Mb cash better than 3 GHZ with 2 Mb cash?


Sep 26, 2017
to know more about cpu i was wondering if the cash is more important than its cycles speed
i know what the cash is but can't determine which is more important
One way is to google them.Using "vs" is a good way to find comparisons.

For example google "i3 3320 vs i3 6100" and the first two results are http://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Intel-Core-i3-6100-vs-Intel-Core-i3-3220/3511vsm272 and http://cpuboss.com/cpus/Intel-Core-i3-6100-vs-Intel-Core-i3-3220

Neither of those sites is perfect but as a rough comparison they do the job, and you can see that i3's got better in those 3 generations as you'd expect.

A better way is to find individual benchmarks in software you are interested in running for each, or if it's just for gaming you can look at Toms chart http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/cpu-hierarchy,4312.html

Or you know, tell us what the two processors are and what you want to use...

Not nearly enough info.
The actual CPU's matter, not just the GHz or cache amount.

A 2 GHz CPU from 2018 is 'faster' than a 3GHz CPU from 2004.

so what makes a cpu better than another
One way is to google them.Using "vs" is a good way to find comparisons.

For example google "i3 3320 vs i3 6100" and the first two results are http://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Intel-Core-i3-6100-vs-Intel-Core-i3-3220/3511vsm272 and http://cpuboss.com/cpus/Intel-Core-i3-6100-vs-Intel-Core-i3-3220

Neither of those sites is perfect but as a rough comparison they do the job, and you can see that i3's got better in those 3 generations as you'd expect.

A better way is to find individual benchmarks in software you are interested in running for each, or if it's just for gaming you can look at Toms chart http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/cpu-hierarchy,4312.html

Or you know, tell us what the two processors are and what you want to use them for and get some opinions here.
I wouldn't suggest cpuboss or other boss sites as they rate on irrelevant spec comparisons and many benchmarks were shown to be wrong. Your link actually shows an instance on performance. Userbenchmark is ok but keep in mind they are based mainly on synthetics and not real world difference. It's good to get a quick general idea but that's it.