Just upgraded my CPU and i'm getting no video output! Please help!!


Nov 6, 2017
Hi folk!
I decided to upgrade my CPU recently - i updated my BIOS making sure it was compatible with the new CPU. I upgraded it with no problems but for some reason when i turn the PC on, it posts (the lights come on, hard drive runs, and you hear a short beep which to me sounds normal). Im getting no video output from my graphics card or from the motherboard hdmi port. I tried swapping back to my old CPU but the problem remains!

CPU: i3-6100 (new CPU is i3-7350k)
Mobo: Asus H110i-PLUS
RAM: 2x 4gb Hyper X fury
GPU: Radeon RX480 8gb
Thermaltake Core V1 case

Thanks in advance for any advice! I completely regret trying to upgrade, the i3-6100 was suffice for my gaming needs :'(


Thank you both for your for your reples! I just tried and neither have worked. Any other suggestions?
i have a wireless keyboard connected and im using HDMI. I haveny got a VGA cable spare. Its odd that just replacing my CPU and nothing else this has happened. I didnt remove any components when upgrading the CPU, so theres no reason anything shouldnt work, especially if it seems to post...