Just woke up and turned on my computer and everything I open is at 67 or 69% and making my computer extremely hotter then norm

Daniel Carlson

Feb 17, 2014
So I just woke up like I said, everything I open up turns my CPU up to 61-70%. This isn't normal, I usually get around 6-14% doing CPU non-intensive Things, For Example my firefox now runs at 52% and it usually does 4%, or AntimalWare Service Executable, that runs at 71% when running nothing and it usually does 2%, What's wrong with it? I don't what's happening, I just know that EVERYTHING (including new folders and files) is at Extremely high CPU usage. On the side of it, I'm getting extremely high temperatures on my CPU, and normal it is around 13c and now i'm getting 39c.

Computer Specs:
Processor: AMD FX-8350-8Core
Memory: 16GB (4x4) DDR3
Video Card: Geforce GTX 760
Operating System: Windows 8.1

39c is ah heck all to worry about.the cpu usage sure is tho.have you opened task manager to see what is using it? anything lead up to this ie software/hardware installs?have you done an antivius/malware scan?what temp monitor are you using? hopefully not speedfan as its become notoriously inaccurate.

I use the official Task manager to see what's going on with my system. I haven't scanned my computer yet, so I'm going to do it right with a full scan. I haven't downloaded any new drivers sense last month. I am using core temp and AMD Overdrive (I use Overdrive just for the temperature readings because it is a official AMD software so I Just thought It would be accurate.)
I just downloaded some games from steam but I doubt steam would have anything that would harm my computer, so I don't exactly know what's going on.
your temps are ok then.what are you using for av/malware protection? there are some other tools to get rid of junkware etc that we can use.do an av scan,i use avast.post the log.then do a scan with malwarebytes and post that scan as well.its important to post these scans so we can actually see what is or is not affecting your computer. you might also post a screenshot of the programs and processes running on your computer.
Right now I'm going to use Windows Defender sense it came with Windows. (I know it is inaccurate but I feel like it is more safe then others). I will use Malwarebytes and avast right now and I will give the logs in around 45 minutes because of how many scans i'm doing.