Who would win in a street fight Justina Beiber or a Mop Bucket? I thought I'd ask this fluff question because apparently real new is off limits! Like the Rolling Stone Cover, WTF?
One could easily argue that a Mop Bucket is MUCH more mature and contributes much more to society than JB. In a fight, I would pick the bucket for the win.
The RS cover is just sensationalism and meant to generate sales and buzz.....albeit in very poor taste.
Rolling Stone is promoting anarchy. Are you surprised?
RS promoting anarchy? Nope.
The editor said they wanted to show he was a normal looking kid not a turbun wearing, smelly my dearest colleague........But the cover sucked b@llz but the article content was...ehh. It made me think but the cover should have crosshairs on it and I'm glad some of the big chains will not carry this month's rag.
I try to read all of Matt Tiabbi's articles in politics and look for corrections he makes after being published, some good stuff, some fluff and of course garbage.
I would rather talk to my mop bucket then Bieber ... I have a healthy relationship with my mop and bucket along with bleach due to having 240 square metres of tiling in the house. I also have a good mop ... the handle is smooth .. I named her Trudy.
Bieber is a no good, two-bit, horse faced, Clinton hating, mop peeing, tween nightmare of a person and Canada should apologize to the World over his existance.
I think he is a tool, a narcissist, and a damage to the public eye.
Who would win in a street fight Justina Beiber or a Mop Bucket? I thought I'd ask this fluff question because apparently real new is off limits! Like the Rolling Stone Cover, WTF?
Justin Bieber is a spoiled little wimp which I cannot stand.
Who would win in a street fight Justina Beiber or a Mop Bucket? I thought I'd ask this fluff question because apparently real new is off limits! Like the Rolling Stone Cover, WTF?
Justin Bieber is a spoiled little wimp which I cannot stand.
One of these days Justin Bieber is going to get his *ASS* handed to him for his behavior, and that would make me very happy. :lol:
Who would win in a street fight Justina Beiber or a Mop Bucket? I thought I'd ask this fluff question because apparently real new is off limits! Like the Rolling Stone Cover, WTF?
I hate Justin B. period. he is an arrogant little jerk! The MopBucket would win.
Who would win in a street fight Justina Beiber or a Mop Bucket? I thought I'd ask this fluff question because apparently real new is off limits! Like the Rolling Stone Cover, WTF?
I hate Justin B. period. he is an arrogant little jerk! The MopBucket would win.