Kaby Lake temperature


Jan 12, 2017
Hello community

I need help

My new i5 7500 is reaching between 36-40°C in idle mode with an extra mark cooler, isn't too high?


  • ■ I5 7500
    ■ Cooler Master 212 Evo
    ■ Asus ROG H270f
    ■ Thermaltake Commander ms-i
I used this quantity of thermal paste, maybe is too much?


While my old cpu with that cooler works in 27-32°C in idle

Old specs:

  • ■ FX 6300
    ■ Asus M5A78L-M LX3
    ■ Cooler Master 212 Evo
    ■ Thermaltake Commander ms-i

The amount of thermal paste you use typically won't make a particular difference. SO you should be fine there. I would look at running a CPU stress test and checking your temps again. For idle temps it does seem a little warm but yes run a stress test like prime95 and see what temps you are getting from there as at the moment you are still within safe limits running idle
Is the Hyper212 hooked up to the commander? Put it in CPU_FAN if it is, it might see it as a case fan and not apply enough airflow.

Your main goal is to be under 80 under load - maybe try stress testing and see how well it works?

Did you use isopropyl alcohol to fully clean thermal paste off the Hyper212?

No, just with paper

I will try the stress testing

I run an hour of Prime95 Blend Stress Test

These are the results



Yes, but if I had use the stock cooler, it would have been unusable, atleast 10-15°C more wich make 80°C max temp at full load

I thought an intel cpu would be much more cold

Yeah but "Intel Space Heater" isn't as catchy a name apparently..