Micheal_4 :
well, I generally find that if something is garbage people will go out of their way to give it a bad review and I couldn't really find any on it. Pretty much all the reviews on ebay were positive and they seem to have sold quite a few 1000 on eBay alone so you figure someone would be complaining by now. I haven't had any black screen problems or things of that nature and so far it's worked really well and I've been using it for quite some time. now, if my computer starts sparking and blows up I will eat my words but until then I'm happy with it.
Even these "house fire" PSU's will work fine if you don't push them. Hence why they get good reviews. People swap them into low powered systems or systems that don't need anywhere near the power they claim to put out. Corsair CX series PSU's get good reviews all day long, yet we get boatloads of complaints here once anyone tries to run a good GPU off one and finds it can't keep up its power ratings at all. A GTX 760 needs a max of 500 watts, in reality I bet your system is pulling less than 400 watts out of it. Try something that actually puts a heavy load on the PSU that comes anywhere near its "rated" power, and you will find out why it is so cheap.