Keeping Old files on HDD while installing windows 10 on an SSD


Feb 27, 2014
Just like what I asked in the title. I want to keep my old files on my HDD while making my SSD my boot drive. There are a couple mixed responses in the forums though, saying that I have to make a complete copy of my HDD, and other responses, so I just want to get this straight. Can I do this?

1. unplug HDD
2. plug in SSD and make boot AHCI
3. install windows unto SSD with USB stick.
4. plug the HDD in.
5. delete the partition with the OS in disk management in the HDD
6. You're done; your HDD functions as a storage drive and you can drag and drop files you want
in the SSD from the HDD(like games) so you do not need to reinstall the entire game.

Thanks for your help in advance!
You've got the right idea. Make sure the PC is booting OK from the SSD before plugging the HDD back in.

You will probably have to reinstall most games. You WILL have to reinstall any apps for sure.

I've run into problems deleting the old OS files, but if they're all in an OS partition, you should be good to go.
If the HDD contains the old OS and your 'files' in the traditional Libraries...strongly suggest you move those files out of that folder/Library structure.

Create a new top level folder. Call it MyStuff
Under that, create sub folders of Doc/Music/etc.

Copy the files (not the libraries), from the current location to this new structure you just created.

Because those Libraries are tied to the original user account. Even if you make a new user account 'Pixeldrum', NTFS sees that as a different user.
Try to access those files, and you will be presented with Access Denied.
You can get around that by Take Ownershipo, but if you prepare properly beforehand, you don't even have to do that.

What do you mean by the traditional libraries? And where would I create my folder in? the SSD or the HDD?

The built in Windows folders called Documents, Music, Video, Pictures.
The folder properties are linked to a specific user. The files in them, not.

So, after you do the install on the SSD, and you try to access those locations on the HDD, you will get an Access Denied.

And I meant make those folders on the HDD, before you do this OS install on the SSD.

Doing this is not critical. It just prevents running into "Access DEnied".
Easy way to prevent.