Question Kerbal Space Program on N100/Beelink S12?

Feb 3, 2024
I'm curious about mini PCs and what they can pack into a small easily affordable package. I'm looking at the Beelink S12 Pro, which has an N100 CPU and Intel UHD Graphics, though it's hard to distinguish which version within the graphics line it is. It seems from some spec comparison sites that the CPU might be able to handle Kerbal Space Program, but I am not sure if the graphics are up to it. (And I'm not sure how the N100 compares to the Pentium/Celeron/i3/i5/i7/i9 spectrum.) It would be all I could hope for if it could run KSP reasonably well, but is that finally asking too much of this little machine?
The minimum requirements for KSP 1 are a core duo and a 512Mb dx10 card, you should be fine, or at least ok.
Steam has an 2 hour return window so you can download the game and if it doesn't run well you can return it within 2 hours to get your money back.