Hello All - I have read extensively on this forum and others about Kernel Power 41 errors and how to fix them.
I am at the point where I am forced to create another thread, because no one else seems to have my issue with this error.
AMD Ryzen R5 3600
ASRock B450m Pro4
Corsair Vengeance 3200 16gb
Radeon RX 570
WD Blue 250gb SSD 2.5 inch
PSU - Corsair GS800 (only hold over from an old rig, replace a previous dead psu with this one about 2 years ago.
OS - Windows 10 Pro 1909
So I built a new PC, and everything was running fine for about a week and a half, then yesterday, I randomly started getting Kernel Power 41 errors.
No blue screens, no other errors or anything to go off of. No WHEA Logger errors. I never have an issues while the PC is in use. I can game for hours with no crashes or reboots, or even just actively browse the web and all is good. As soon as the system is idle – and I mean truly idle, nothing moving on screen, for 5-30 minutes, it will repeatedly crash and the event viewer logs have the kernel power 41 error.
It is driving me crazy. I have ran every test I can think of, OCCT (all of them for a long time), memtest for hours, and everything is coming back clean.
Literally the only time any issue presents is if I sit and stare and the blank desktop for 10 or so minutes, it just shuts down and reboots.
I doubt anyone has any ideas, because I have searched for hours and every other post I see has some type of issue related to crashes when the PC is in use.
I know its not overheating, I just ran occt for 10 minutes and temps were 90c+ across everything and it was fine. It literally only crashes when idling for an extended period of time. Even leaving the splash page for Steam, or Warzone, or OCCT or Ryzen master open keeps it up. But if I close those windows, and have only folder explorer open on screen, it will crash. Nothing is OCed. BIOS are on latest version and everything is default.
The only thing I can think of is an issue with my PSU (Corsair GS800) but it is only 2 years old, and when doing a PSU capacity check for my components it is coming out to ~450w, so my 800w PSU is plenty. And the OCCT PSU test was fine. I have pulled and remounted everything (except the cpu). But again, because it only ever happens in a idle state, I just don’t know what it could be.
This was as much of a venting session for me, so I don’t really expect any replies or help, but if anyone has any thoughts, I would really appreciate it.
I am at the point where I am forced to create another thread, because no one else seems to have my issue with this error.
AMD Ryzen R5 3600
ASRock B450m Pro4
Corsair Vengeance 3200 16gb
Radeon RX 570
WD Blue 250gb SSD 2.5 inch
PSU - Corsair GS800 (only hold over from an old rig, replace a previous dead psu with this one about 2 years ago.
OS - Windows 10 Pro 1909
So I built a new PC, and everything was running fine for about a week and a half, then yesterday, I randomly started getting Kernel Power 41 errors.
No blue screens, no other errors or anything to go off of. No WHEA Logger errors. I never have an issues while the PC is in use. I can game for hours with no crashes or reboots, or even just actively browse the web and all is good. As soon as the system is idle – and I mean truly idle, nothing moving on screen, for 5-30 minutes, it will repeatedly crash and the event viewer logs have the kernel power 41 error.
It is driving me crazy. I have ran every test I can think of, OCCT (all of them for a long time), memtest for hours, and everything is coming back clean.
Literally the only time any issue presents is if I sit and stare and the blank desktop for 10 or so minutes, it just shuts down and reboots.
I doubt anyone has any ideas, because I have searched for hours and every other post I see has some type of issue related to crashes when the PC is in use.
I know its not overheating, I just ran occt for 10 minutes and temps were 90c+ across everything and it was fine. It literally only crashes when idling for an extended period of time. Even leaving the splash page for Steam, or Warzone, or OCCT or Ryzen master open keeps it up. But if I close those windows, and have only folder explorer open on screen, it will crash. Nothing is OCed. BIOS are on latest version and everything is default.
The only thing I can think of is an issue with my PSU (Corsair GS800) but it is only 2 years old, and when doing a PSU capacity check for my components it is coming out to ~450w, so my 800w PSU is plenty. And the OCCT PSU test was fine. I have pulled and remounted everything (except the cpu). But again, because it only ever happens in a idle state, I just don’t know what it could be.
This was as much of a venting session for me, so I don’t really expect any replies or help, but if anyone has any thoughts, I would really appreciate it.
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